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My favorite links These are newer than my favorite places!
A big hello to my brothers Marty & Jim and my daughter Monica
best BAND ever!"
The Beatles
ALIGN=bottom>For Monica!!
video game stuff
Ticketmaster info
Here's a picture of me!!
SpaceJam! Is an excellent movie
Come back again!You are visitor number(the first 3 were me!)
© 1996 lowyd@clinton.net
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Here's a picture of me at work on Halloween!!
Here's another uglier & bigger picture of me at work on Halloween!!
At Collis Inc in Clinton Iowa, we had a costume contest Oct 31-here is one of the participants, The Wicked Witch of the West- Deb McDowell from Fulton, IL
Here is another participant, Jake "Patty Broughton" Blues
Here is yet another participant, Pat "Bozo" Werner from Clinton IA
Here is a group shot one of these people won our contest-it was the wicked witch-Congrats to Deb McDowell!!
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who do you think will be the next NBA Champs- DA BULLS!!!!
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