Keanu Links |
My personal favourites are indicated with a ![]() ![]() |
Fan Pages:. And this page has a tiny (but really cute) pic of Victor and Keanu during the filming of Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey (Apparently Victor had a teensy role in it).
- KeanuNet
- Current Keanu news and film info, biography, filmography, pictures, hotlinks, a game, 3 chat rooms, a shop ... yup ... everything!
- Chateau Ke
- Loads of pictures, sounds, articles, a great Dogstar section, links, fun stuff written by fans, postcards, and a very amusing guestbook.
- The Norwegian Wood
- This beautiful page has a few pictures, and an incredible list of articles.
- The Galaxy of Keanu Reeves
- Great pictures from Japanese magazines, filmography, hotlinks, Dogstar info, a bulletin board, some stuff in Japanese, and things about basses, watches, and motorcycles! Updated often.
- Shirley's Ravishing Reeves Review
- Lots of wonderful pictures and info. Updated often.
- Reeves Drive
- Some goodies for Windows 95, wallpaper files, news, film reviews, pictures, and links. Updated often.
- The Wacky World of Keanu Reeves
- Offers News, Pictures, Sonnets, Interviews, and Links. In both Japanese and English. Updated fairly often. Be sure to check out the awesome animated gifs!
- Why be normal?: Keanu Reeves
- An attractive site offering a profile, biography, credits, gallery, and links. Updated often.
- Cloudwalker's Keanu Heaven
- Pictures, wavs, links, postcards, and wallpaper.
- Keanu Pic of the Day
- Home of Romeo's Picture of the Day Club.
- Keanu Pic of the Day Instant Replays
- If you missed one of Romeo's pics in the last 7 days, you can get it here!
- Keanu Pic of the Day Archive
- If you missed one of Romeo's pics in the last 3 years, you can get it here! :)
- keanurama
- Lots of lovely pics, including archives of both Romeo and Naoko's mailing lists, plus the Keanu Reeves Astrological Information!
- Planet Keanu
- Some great pictures, interviews (both text and audio), filmography, and links.
- The Society for Keanu Consciousness - They call it the "Online Virtual Temple of the Society for Keanu Consciousness". Weird, but amusing.
- The Keanu Reeves Internet Picture Archive
- Formerly the Keanu Reeves FTP site, this page has now been taken over by the fabulous Romeo, and archived for everyone's enjoyment.
- Babygirl's Funky Dreamland
- Pictures, links, news, and some personal stuff.
- Jana Park-Okuna's Home Page
- Alright, so it's just a small personal page with a grand total of 3 Keanu pictures ... and I don't even know Jana ... but it's one of the first pages I ever found ... and darnit, I like it.
- KeanuSource - All sorts of information.
- Victor the SnakeMannn's Really Kewl Home Page - Apparently this guy is a Stage Manager or something and has worked with Dogstar. It's a little tough to find the Keanu content on his page though, so I'll walk you through it. The main page has a pic of Victor and Keanu. This page has some pictures of Keanu playing with Dogstar in San Diego '95. Here are some Dogstar pics from '97
KC's Keanu Page - A few sound bytes, pictures, and links. Keanu, Kenanu, Kenuwee, Kenoonoo - The Keanu-L FAQs, and a few links. The Breeze Zone - Keanu updates, sounds, pictures, and links. Star Galaxy - Keanu Reeves Index Page - A few screen captures. Pauline Chan's Keanu Page - a bunch of pictures Lily's Brad and Keanu Page - Offers facts, articles, pictures, filmography, links, Dogstar stuff, and 1998 calendar photos. The Brad in the title would be Brad Pitt... YMS - Keanu Reeves - Keanu at the "Young Male Stars" page. Has a little biography, a filmography, a couple of pictures, some links, comments, and an address where you can contact him?! KeanuInt - Home of the worldwide fan club, Keanu International. This site offers membership information and excerpts from the club's fanzine. All Keanu - Formerly known as Keanu a la Italy ... and before that it was Keanu Online. Sections include an Art Gallery, Filmography, Portrait Gallery, Animated Gifs, Wallpaper, Scrapbook, Covers, Pop Quiz, Bulletin Board, and a chat room. Keanu World - Up to date news, a profile, credits, quotes & interviews, a Dogstar page, links, experiences ... and if you're looking to join a fan club, very useful addresses and information. KeanuWorld #2 - A biography, pictures, some quotes, a message board, tv schedule, poll questions, articles, and links. Heavenly Breeze Over The Mountains - Sections include Articles, Links, Pics, Dogstar, Updates, Message Board, and Keanu Q&A. The backgrounds on this site do look awfully familiar though... Indi's Cool Page aka Keanu Reeves - Features a java chat room, pictures, links, and some personal stuff. Karen's Hollywood Dreams - Poetry, pics, encounters, and more. Keanu's Fever - Sections include Keanu's Latest News, Photos, Movie Posters, Keanu Around the World, Interviews and Articles, Dogstar, Biography, Filmography, PostKards, and Links. Pretty nifty background music. Kat's Korner - Has some Dogstar soundclips, some pictures, and an amusing birthday card. The Keanu Palace - Has a bio, some pictures, sounds, sightings, and a filmography. I just get a kick out of the rainbow colours. Valerie the Vamp's Web Lair - Links and a couple of pics. The Dancing Tiki KEANU Worship Page - That Gorman picture, a couple of Wolfboy pictures, and .... dancing Tikis? .... Sorta weird... Keanu Reeves Autograph Picture - An autographed picture from Point Break .... it reads, "To Avon, Thanks for the rides." Avon is a car rental place. (Thank you Melinda, for translating that one! :) Heather's Page of Keanu & Stuff - A few nifty scans of a young Keanu, and some articles. Kathryn's Home Page - Some pictures of Keanu, including one with Kathryn herself, at a Dogstar concert in '97. Michaela's Celebrity Collages - A Keanu collage, among others. The Keanu Forever Homepage - Sections include: Biography, Filmography, Photo Gallery, Quotes, Audio Clips, Other Cuties, and Links. Keanu & River: The Best and Worst of Hollywood - Offers images, movie sounds, reviews, transcripts, a little bio, and a poll. Ke-Net Central - Bio, links, films, dogstar, pictures, and chat. Brook and Tanya's Hall O' Gods Hotel - Keanu resides in the Penthouse of this hotel, where you can find plenty of facts, pictures and links. But what's nice about this site it that Keanu has plenty of company! So if he's not the only guy that makes ya "~Swoon!~", be sure to check out the other floors as well ;) Ilona's Keanu Closet - Offers news, pictures, poetry & stories, and Dogstar stuff. You can also check out her second site, Ilona's Island. Keanu Amour--For the Love of Keanu Reeves - Links. The British "KeanUK" Fanclub - Information about the British club, links, desktop themes, icons, wavs and more.
Movie Pages:
- The Internet Movie Database's Keanu Page
- Some biographical tidbits, a couple of photos and links, but what you really go here for is the completely interactive and extremely thorough filmography.
- Movieweb
has pages on Devil's Advocate, Feeling Minnesota, Chain Reaction, Johnny Mnemonic, and A Walk in the Clouds.
- Hollywood Online
has pages on The Matrix, Devil's Advocate, Feeling Minnesota, Chain Reaction, Johnny Mnemonic, and A Walk in the Clouds.
- The Official Matrix Website - Photos, the movie trailer, a screensaver, and more nifty stuff to come. Neat looking site.
- AcmeCity: The Matrix - Build your own FREE 20MB Matrix website, complete with free official photos! You can also explore pages built by others, and contribute to the message board.
- Welcome to The Matrix - Pictures, posters, trailers, cast info, news, and links. Lots of the pictures are taken from the official site, which, in this case, is not such a bad thing since the official site, while rather nifty looking, is far too graphics-intensive-fancy-schmancy and therefore slow for my clunky old computer...
- The Matrix - An unofficial page offering info on cast members and the directors, a few photos, Matrix postcards, a chat room, links, and a message board.
- Devil's Advocate
- The Official Devil's Advocate site from Warner Bros. Very nice! It offers cast, production, and filmaker information; photos; production sketches; downloadable goodies; video clips; nifty literary quotes; various cultural interpretations of Hell and Lucifer; links to such appropriate sites as "The Holy Bible", and the "Canonical List of Lawyer Jokes" .... AND ... it's very pretty.
- VFX HQ: The Devil's Advocate - Some stuff about the special effects in Devil's Advocate. Be sure to click on the POP Film's web site link for more pics!
- Dark Horizons - Keanu in Cyberspace: Mark Two - Current news and pictures from the set of Matrix! Including these behind-the-scenes snapshots.
- Cinescape Online - More Matrix news and rumours.
- The Point Break Pipeline - Pictures, video clips, sounds, and credits.
- The Last Time I Committed Suicide - A little info, a little picture, and a little video clip from the Bermuda International Film Festival ...
- Feeling Minnesota - Fine Line's official Feeling Minnesota site. Info, shockwave games, jigsaw puzzles, video clips, links, and an opportunity to comment on the film!
- The Official Chain Reaction Website - A shockwave game, and all that other official site stuff.
- Sony's Official Johnny Mnemonic Site - This one's an oldie! It offers very limited multimedia, production notes, an old contest ... not too bad.
- Johnny Mnemonic - Going 3D - Some stuff about the animation in Johnny Mnemonic.
- Fox's Speed Page - A synopsis and a couple of video clips.
- Pictures of Keanu Reeves from Speed - 6 screen grabs, and 6 zipped files with 10 pictures each.
- ScreenTalk - Read the Speed script in Adobe Acrobat format.
- PlanetOut: My Own Private Idaho - Buy the video or play the trailer in Quicktime, RealVideo, or RealAudio.
- House of Bill and Ted - Photos, Sounds, Reviews, Soundtrack info, Credits, a chat room, and the Script!
- Bill & Ted's Excellent Online Adventure - Offers a good photo selection, and some neat stuff is promised to be "coming soon".
- MovieTunes: A Walk in the Clouds - The A Walk in the Clouds Soundtrack.
- A Walk In The Clouds Unofficial Site - A synopsis with pictures, a few soundtrack samples, and the trailer.
Articles: - I liked this one.Premiere Magazine's Sept '97 cover story - Well the original version in the actual magazine had some very nice recent photos accompanying this pretty good article ... but for some whacky reason, the online version just features a freaky blue thing ... so ... some lovely scans can be found at the Chateau Ke. The Mr. Showbiz Interview - A pretty good article and interview. Includes a few soundbites.
E! Online: Q&A with Keanu Reeves - A nice interview, and a splendid video clip of the little Porcupine Boy!
ET Online - The extended version of that Lisa Canning interview promoting Devil's Advocate ... complete with wow-what-a-butt-shot RealAudio. ET Online - The extended version of that Australian Matrix interview ... complete with 4 little pictures of Keanu in a rather warm looking hat. Happening's Keanu Feature - Keanu article in an online mag from Singapore (in English) The Keanu Reeves File - A bunch of articles, and a few photos. 'Devil's Advocate' brings Keanu Reeves to Florida 7/6/97 - An article and a photo. Keanu's Speed: Tracing the steps of our Toronto homeboy - An article from Eye Magazine. The Seattle Times, Today's News: OK, he's Keanu Reeves, but in Dogstar he's just the guy who plays bass - I liked this one! Denver Westword: Star Power - Keanu Reeves' band, Dogstar, isn't very good--but since he's in it, who cares? - The title sounds horrid, but the article is so-so, there's a nice little picture, a few soundbites, and the "wah-wah" comment is just precious. San Francisco Chronicle - Reeves No Vanity Act Onstage or Onscreen. It's hard not to like this independent guy. - Publication Date: Friday, August 1, 1997 Palo Alto Weekly - So you want to be a rock 'n' roll star? - Publication Date: Friday Aug 1, 1997. The Las Vegas Sun - A Dogstar article from May 23, '97 ... it used to be linked to this (really nice) picture, but for some whacky reason it's not anymore ... oh look, here's another! Flicks Interview - For the promotion of Devil's Advocate. DOI - Interview Keanu Reeves - Another little interview from the Devil's Advocate era. Includes the standard promo stills tinted a funky blue. Urban Cinefile: Devil of a Keanu - An Australian article from December 31, 1997. WCCO: Keanu Reeves Stars in 'The Devil's Advocate' - The volume levels are a little out of whack, but overall this is a pretty neat RealAudio clip. Video Nibble: Speed - Whatever happened to Jack Traven's muffin? Here's the recipe so you can bake and eat. Honolulu Star-Bulletin - A Dogstar article published December 7, 1998. Includes a pretty nice picture of Keanu and his bass. Also check out their article from Dec. 3, '98 which includes a very nice pic of all 3 dogboys. The Norwegian Wood - An excellent articles archive.
- KeanuNet - A good news source, although it's not updated as often as most people might like.
- Reeves Drive - Current and archived news and rumours. Frequent updates.
- Shirley's New Stuff - Frequently updated with all sorts of Keanu news.
- The Wacky World of Keanu Reeves - A nice news section.
- Dark Horizons - Current news from the set of Matrix.
- Cinescape Online - More Matrix news and rumours.
- Celebsite: Keanu Reeves - Current news from Mr. Showbiz. Pretty good.
- MovieTalk
- The website formerly known as The Celebrity Bitesite. Great RealAudio interviews. Very Cool!
- Planet Keanu - Some great wavs from Keanu's appearances on Letterman and the Tonight Show.
- Cloudwalker's Wavs - A nice collection of wav files from Keanu's movies and TV appearances.
- The British Keanu Reeves Fan Club Home page - Click on the last Keanu in the bottom frame for an assortment of wavs.
- My Radio Wavs - Hey, quit snickering .... it fits the category...
- The Official Dogstar Website - Offers Our Little Visionary soundclips.
- - A RealAudio Dogstar concert! Recorded live at the House of Blues Sunset Strip in Los Angeles, September 21, 1998.
- A French Devil's Advocate interview - Well the questions are written in French, but Keanu's answers are in English. RealAudio format. He even talks about the Japanese whiskey commercial!
- The Point Break Pipeline - Plenty of wavs from said movie.
- Bill and Ted Sound Files - Lots of 'em!
- Keanu & River: The Best and Worst of Hollywood - Offers soundclips from a few of Keanu's films.
- The Unofficial Keanu Reeves Homepage - Various Keanu wavs.
- Hollywood Online has sound clips from Johnny Mnemonic, and A Walk in the Clouds.
- The Wav Place - Devil's Advocate wavs.
- Wav Central: Speed - Wavs from Speed.
- Wav Central: Bill & Ted - Wavs from Bill & Ted.
- PlanetOut: My Own Private Idaho - Buy the video or play the trailer in Quicktime, RealVideo, or RealAudio.
- A Walk in the Clouds Music! - RealAudio clip from the soundtrack.
- The Mr. Showbiz Interview - Includes a few soundbites in RealAudio or wav format.
- Happening's Keanu Feature - Peppered with sound clips.
- Denver Westword: Star Power - Keanu Reeves' band, Dogstar, isn't very good--but since he's in it, who cares? - A few Dogstar soundclips.
- WCCO: Keanu Reeves Stars in 'The Devil's Advocate' - The volume levels are a little out of whack, but overall this is a pretty neat RealAudio clip.
- Tower Records - Quattro Fromaggi RealAudio clips.
- Johnny Mnemonic Official Site - A "clip of the day".
Now, almost all of the Keanu websites out there do have some sort of photographic display. But if you're looking for a quick fix, here are some of the more extensive galleries around.
- Why Be Normal?: Keanu Reeves - A very very nice gallery, includes magazine covers sorted by date, professional shots sorted by photographer, and much more.
- The Keanu Reeves Internet Picture Archive - Formerly the Keanu Reeves FTP site, this page has now been taken over by the fabulous Romeo, and archived for everyone's enjoyment. It's an oldie, but a goodie.
- keanurama - Lots of lovely pics, including archives of both Romeo and Naoko's mailing lists.
- Keanu Pic of the Day Archive - An almost complete archive of each picture Romeo has sent out over the past 3 years.
- Planet Keanu - A relatively small archive, but darnit, I like it!
- Reeves Drive - A rather extensive gallery.
- Mine! - Alright, that was a shameless plug.
Video Clips:
- gaijin a go-go
- Under "bread & butter", you'll find a Quicktime video clip (version 3.0 needed) of Keanu's 1992 Japanese commercial for Suntory Malt Whiskey. Screen captures and the rather short transcript are also available. (Once the clip is finished loading into your browser, you can right-click on it to save. If you're having trouble, here are direct links to the large version (1,022k) or the small version (578k). Netscape users: hold down the shift key and click on those links. IE users: right click on the links and choose "Save Target As". AOL Users: Download Netscape.)
- Movieweb has a streaming video interview of the Chain Reaction cast, the Johnny Mnemonic movie trailer, and the A Walk in the Clouds movie trailer.
- Hollywood Online has the Matrix movie trailer, the Devil's Advocate movie trailer, the Chain Reaction movie trailer, Johnny Mnemonic video clips, and A Walk in the Clouds video clips.
- The Official Devil's Advocate site - Offers the movie trailer, and interview clips of Keanu, Charlize, and Taylor Hackford.
- The Official Feeling Minnesota site - Streaming interviews and clips from the movie.
- Paula Abdul: Spellbound Videos - A short (21 second) quicktime clip from "Rush Rush"!
- The FTP Site - a few avi files from Speed.
- The Point Break Pipeline - A few video clips from said movie.
- Fox's Speed Page - A couple of Speed clips.
- The Last Time I Committed Suicide - One video clip from said movie.
- PlanetOut: My Own Private Idaho - Buy the video or play the trailer in Quicktime, RealVideo, or RealAudio.
- E! Online: Q&A with Keanu Reeves - A splendid video clip of the little Porcupine Boy!
- Jet Jam '97 - A neato video clip of Dogstar at this event.
- Johnny Mnemonic Official Site - One quicktime clip.
Chat Rooms:
- KeanuNet - Offers 3 separate chat rooms - Java, IRC, and HTML.
- All Keanu - A java chat room.
- Indi's Cool Page - Another java chat room.
- Ke-Net Central - One more java chat room.
- Bill and Ted chat - An HTML chat room at the House of Bill and Ted.
- Keanuville - They hold IRC chats on Friday evenings at 9:00 P.M. EST.
Computer Goodies:
- The CK Gift Shop - Desktop wallpaper and icons! There's a new wallpaper every month.
- Reeves Drive - Offers Startup/Shutdown Screens for Windows 95, and desktop wallpaper.
- Cloudwalker's Wallpaper - Yet more wallpaper! Gotta love it.
- All Keanu - You guessed it ... wallpaper!
- The Official Devil's Advocate site - Oh my goodness ... could it be? ..... Wallpaper!!
- Feeling Minnesota Official Site - No Wallpaper!! Instead, this site has fun Shockwave games and downloadable jigsaw puzzles! Yeah!
- House of Bill and Ted - A Microsoft Plus theme for Windows 95.
- The British Keanu Reeves Fan Club Home page - Click on the last Keanu in the bottom frame for icons, desktop themes, and wavs.
- KeanuLand - Well it's not exactly a "goodie" ... it's a web based game! Click and play!
- Keanimation - This isn't exactly a "goodie" either, but they're really cool animated gifs.
- The Mr. Showbiz Plastic Surgery Lab - Hmm ... let's see .... Keanu's eyes, Danny DeVito's mouth, Goldie Hawn's nose, and Ellen Barkin's hair ..... Eeek! Ok, that wasn't a good choice. Now you try.
- My Keanu Calculator - Shameless plug #3.
- KeanuNet - Here you can order books and videos. And if you're looking for something else, they'll try to find it for you.
- The Official Dogstar Website - Order Dogstar stuff, directly from Dogstar!
- Tower Records - Buy the other Dogstar CD!
- - Very cool site that lets you buy or rent most of Keanu's films.
- Blockbuster Online - You can buy some of Keanu's films from this site too.
- Oliver Books - Look in their films section for 1999 calendars, posters, and a photobook. But you'll need a new browser (Netscape 4.0 or IE 4.0) to view this site.
- eBay - A nifty site where regular folks can auction off all sorts of goods. This link takes you to the "Keanu" search results.
- PlanetOut: My Own Private Idaho - Buy the video or play the trailer in Quicktime, RealVideo, or RealAudio.
- CD Now - They sell soundtracks ... just enter the title into their search engine.
- Alfie's Autographs of Hollywood - Buy autographed pictures. (Or just look at 'em!)
- Linda Tresham's House Of Magazine Back Issues: Keanu Reeves - I haven't tried it, but apparently some old magazines featuring Keanu and other celebs can be purchased here.
- Celebrity Locators - Selling 8x10 colour photos at $10 each plus shipping. US funds only. 104 different photos to choose from.
- PhotoWorld - Search for Keanu and you'll find Speed, Johnny Mnemonic, My Own Private Idaho, Much Ado About Nothing, and Dracula posters for sale. Also two autographed 8x10s.
- Romeo's Guide to Keanu Stuff on the Web - Points you in the direction of movies, books, photos, and music for sale on the web.
Newsgroups & Bulletin Boards:Dejanews - Another way to read newsgroups. iMusic - Dogstar Bulletin Board The Matrix Bulletin Board at Warner Bros.
Dogstar: - Dogstar's new official website. Very nice. Offers everything an official site should. You can still see the old official site here.Shirley's Dogstar Page - Offers a nifty soundclip, current news and pictures, and Rob's concert playlist!! - A RealAudio Dogstar concert! Recorded live at the House of Blues Sunset Strip in Los Angeles, September 21, 1998.
The Constellation Zone - Home of the Dogstar Mailing List iMusic: Dogstar Bulletin Board - Post your thoughts on the band... Dean Markley Strings - A picture from Dogstar's appearance on Letterman, and info on what kind of bass and guitar strings the guys use?! Keanu (DOGSTAR) Tour - Texas - Keanu signing autographs and posing for pictures outside the club where June 6th's show took place! Christine's Home Page - Dogstar pictures and Dogstar reviews ... from their Buffalo show. (Different Emily ... not me ... but that's sorta neat ... hi Emily!) Dogstar Tour '97-Charlotte, NC - Some snapshots from the tour. Dogstar Pix - Snapshots from the May 29th, 1997 show in Tempe Arizona. X-Fest 1997 Band Shots - Some nice pictures of Dogstar on stage at X-Fest '97. And if you happened to be there, you can look for yourself in the crowd shots ... or if you fit the category, on the tattoos and piercings page.99X - Photo Album - A picture of Dogstar posing with The Morning X. Holly Hollomon's Home Page - Some great snapshots of Keanu, Rob, and Billy the bus driver! And some Mary chick :) The Dining Room - a pretty in-depth review of the band. Jet Jam '97 - Some frankly crappy pictures, but a neato video clip ... when it works. Backstage with the Brainchild - A couple of little Keanu and Dogstar snapshots. The Las Vegas Sun - A Dogstar article from May 23, '97 ... it used to be linked to this (really nice) picture, but for some whacky reason it's not anymore ... oh look, here's another! Dogstar at The Flood Zone (June 23, 1997) - Not a very nice review, but the pictures are clear and good. The EDGE NightClub - From the August 1st gig in Palo Alto ... just a picture ... that's it ... but it's a pretty neat picture. Dogstar (Keanu Reeves) - This is a Belgian site, in French. (Thank you, Bergamotte!) A Dogstar article and one picture. Tower Records - Results of a search for Dogstar gives you CD information, and lets you listen to RealAudio clips of the band. You can also order the CD's online. Kevin Smith reviews..."DOGSTAR" - Keanu's Band @ Johnny Depp's Viper Room The Fillmore Poster Gallery - A Dogstar & Silverjet poster from August 1, 1997. Standard Thompson - Standard Thompson was Dogstar's opening act at Motor Mania, Sept. 5, 1998. This is their recounting of that day. Zabmama's Keanu Pics - Her husband Michael took these photos at a Dogstar show in the summer of 1997, in New York City. Amajac's Dogstar Page - Formerly known as "All Things Keanu", this site offers sound clips, pictures, Bret and Rob bios, links, and a Keanu section. D&D's Dogstar Heaven - Bios of the guys in the band, links, chat, a message board, and pictures ... including some from the Minot '98 show. The Dogstar Webring - Joins Dogstar sites around the world ... just as you might expect a webring to do :)
All I know for sure is, these ain't in English:You can get a rough translation of French, German, Italian, Portuguese, or Spanish pages from Altavista's nifty translation utility.
- Biographie: Keanu Reeves - This one's in German. Looks like a biography and filmography.
- FILMER HOS VIDEOBUTIKEN - Swedish! A list of Keanu's movies ...
- 20th Century Fox presents: CHAIN REACTION - A Swiss page in both German and French ... looks like the official 20th Century Fox Swiss page. (Thanks Kat!)
- The Wacky World of Keanu Reeves - Offers News, Pictures, Sonnets, Interviews, and Links. In both Japanese and English. Updated fairly often. Be sure to check out the awesome animated gifs!
- Bergamotte: Tout Keanu - My French is slightly rusty, but this page seems good! It contains a biography, filmography, photos, a Dogstar section, some articles in French, a listing of videos and magazines, a message board, and some links.
- Dogstar (Keanu Reeves) - This is a Belgian site, in French. (Thank you, Bergamotte!) A Dogstar article and one picture.
- Têtu, archives - Keanu Reeves - An article/interview in French.
- Tokage review site - A Japanese review of Dogstar at the Supper Club in '97? Includes some nifty pictures.
- Super Star!!-Keanu Reeves - This site's in Taiwan, so all the writing is Chinese ... if you click on the links you can find some pictures.
- Something in Japanese ... (there's a link back to my page but I have no idea what it says about me ... Aaaaaahh!!!)
- Ausser Kontrolle - An official German Chain Reaction site. Click on "Bildarchiv" for some pictures.
- Clarín Digital: Keanu y Pacino, ángel y demonio - A Spanish article from Buenos Aires ... haven't a clue what it says, but it must have something to do with Devil's Advocate ...
- Yoko's Page - Sections include: Profile, Biography, Filmography, What's New, His Favorite Books, Dogstar, and Keanu Reeves Room. It appears to be rather extensive, but it's all in Japanese ... so how the heck would I know?!
- Carol's Movies HomePage - A Spanish site of Keanu pics.
- A Russian Keanu Page - My computer can't display Russian, but this site looks pretty good. Appears to include a bio, filmography, dogstar section, a few photos, some articles, news, and links.
All the rest:
- Celebsite: Keanu Reeves
- Current news, Biography, Vital Stats, Credits, links, the Mr. Showbiz interview, the Mr. Showbiz Plastic Surgery Lab, an automatic Yahoo search, and a fan mail address.
- The Keanu Reeves Ring of Fire
- The fabulous webring of which I am a proud member.
- The Keanu Report - The infamous "Keanu Reeves is the Anti-Christ" page.
- Keanuville - An odd little virtual community type thingy run by the folks of .... I think. They've also got an IRC chat room.
- E! Online - Fact Sheet - Keanu Reeves - Some pretty cool Keanu facts.
- E! Online: My Star Photo - A picture of Keanu posing with some dude named Adrian Sportelli.
- Inside WLA Movie Page - Keanu was voted February's Celebrity of the Month at this site. Click on "Previous Celebs" in the left frame ...
- Yahoo's Page of Keanu links - Just links
- TVNow - When and where Keanu will be on U.S. TV
- WebSEEK - Finds pictures with "keanu" in the url (I think) from around the web.
- Movie Times: Keanu Reeves - Lists how much money Keanu's various films have made.
- Keanu's Mugshot and "Incident Report" - Tells of his 1993 arrest complete with mugshot. And interestingly, Al Pacino, Keanu's Devil's Advocate co-star has his mugshot up on this site as well.
- LAW STREET.COM - Wowsers, it's Keanu's legal profile!
- Mr. T vs. Keanu Reeves! - A funny weird cartoon type thingie.
- Rosie's Scrapbook: October, 1997! - A couple of pictures from Keanu's October 15th appearance on the show.
- Paintball Photos - Apparently Keanu enjoys a good game of Paintball. This site tells you all about the sport and has a snapshot of him posing with a young fan by the Close Encounters sign.
- The Network for Entertainment Fans - Their Keanu page. Lots of links, and a pretty nifty birthday countdown.
- Cadillac Moon In Pacino Film - Cadillac Moon is a band ... and they were in Devil's Advocate. This site has a pretty neato pic of the musicians and Keanu.
- Celebrity All-Star Hockey: March 15, 1997 - This dude went to the game, and his page gives some commentary on Keanu's hockey skills, plus a little picture which includes Keanu. (First photo on the page... he's the guy on the right.... ok, so it's not the best snapshot in the world... but darnit, he's there!)