Shakespeare on speed
In William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet the Australian director Baz Luhrmann tells the most famous love story for the MTV- generation
Love at first sight: the angel (Claire
Danes) and the knight (L. DiCaprio)
of the plot is not 16th century's Verona but a fictitious Scene is not 16th
century Verona but the American Verona Beach of the present. The
characters don't wear beret and doublet but Hawaiian shirts and
designer dresses. And instead of foils the guys wage their
conflicts with guns.
Shakespeare would be quite pleased if he knew that Australian
director Baz Luhrmann ("Strictly Ballroom") of course
stylized his teenager-tragedy a lot but in return made it
consumable for the MTV-generation. Motto: Classic meets pop.
Luhrmann has
kept the original dialogues and the tragical love story of two
youths whose families, the Capulets and the Montagues, fight
against each other in fatal hatred. The rest was subjected to
drastic measures: the coastal city is metropolis of violence,
Leonardo DiCaprio's Romeo - a mixture of Dandy and James Dean -
is head of the Montague-gang that duels regularly with the
Capulets. Claire Danes' Juliet is a symbol for extra-terrestrial
innocence. Alienation, Hard-Rock, quick cuts and an often nervous
camera make the stage classic a pop-opera worth seeing for teens
and trend-followers.
Leonardo DiCaprio plays the
high-speed-Romeo: in love and
furious as well
Angelika Buscha
Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, USA 1996 D:Baz Luhrmann A:
L.DiCaprio, C.Danes, J.Leguizamo
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