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Dedidated to the hard core, movie lovin, filmmakin, celluloid rubbin,
perf punchin, cut and splicin, a/b rollin, optical printin, film lover.

TrainspottingThe Trainspotting Page.
The infamous Trainspotting page for the absolute Trainspotting fan. Download from the largest collection of Train pics on the net- read about the book, the cast, the film, and the filmmaker who made it.

HateThe Hate (La Haine) Page.
You can't afford to miss this- check out the whole scene behind the film Hate- The 1995 winner for best director at the Cannes Film Festival.

Film SitesFilm Sites I Think You Might Likes
Get hooked up to the hottest film pages on the web from the depths of the underground film archives to festivals the world over.

Film ChatFilm Chat
There's always time to talk between films- so come on down and meet with other film buffs and talk about what ever you like!

Movie ReviewThe Movie Review Query Engine
Going to see a movie? Check here to find out if the film you want to see is worth your seven bucks.


Paul Emersonn is a professional actor and filmmaker in the Kansas City area. He is currently represented by MTC (Susan Smith (816) 246.9569). He has completed a film short entitled Progress is Death while attending The Art Institute of Chicago. To request a copy of the film short or receive a copy of Paul Emerson's resume or headshot for casting consideration, please e-mail him at the addresses provided below. Contact his agent with information concerning auditions and casting calls.

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