Robin Dunn
Email address:
Age: 17 years old
Residence: Foster City
State: CA
Country: USA
Planet of Origin: Arrakis
Illustrious Biography:
Hi! I'm Robin Dunn, a local hoser from the Bay Area region of this universe. Although most people know me only as an everday high school student, deep currents of destiny run in my blood. How is such a man-god possible, you ask? Ah, now there is an interesting story. It all began with my abduction by the Almighty Penguin God of the Hittites.
This hideous being forced me into a cheese labor camp, where I was forced to muck about in oceans of fromage, in everlasting agony from the all-permeating smell of yeast and decaying dairy products. Little did the Penguin God expect my potential as a deity. After months and months of living with cheese caked beneath my fingernails, I rose up
against the Penguin God and slew him. Lo! Ever did the earth tremble from the sheer audacity of my feat. The nature of the universe had come into a new balance. The eternal principles of Euhemerism had been vindicated by my living example: I had become a God clothed in human flesh! I returned to my normal state of existence, content with the
knowledge that I could exercise my holy powers of destruction whenever I chose to do so.
Rise to Stardom:
Yes, and now for the story of my illustrious career. As the gingerbread man above (my personal manservant) will testify, my career as a devout
dune-enthusiast and aficionado of Lynch movies, science fiction, and Stilgar-esque grunts from deep within the throat began only very recently.
I have not always been so enlightened. But just as famous people across the globe have done since time immemorial, I shall hide the dirty secrets
of my past in favor of a glitzier, more artificial portrait of The New Me! Ah, what a kidder I am. Please excuse me. But you see, there is
truth behind my words. I do indeed most humbly honor those men who have become as gods within their own lifetimes (to a lesser or greater degree).
Their sublime titles are as follows: Frank Herbert, David Lynch, Sheri Tepper, and . . . well . . .me. (Excuse the blatancy of my self-congratulations.)
Yes, let us now celebrate a moment of silence in honor of these noble men and women . . . . . . . . . . . .--okay, enough silence. Now, on to
bigger and better things!
Some Hobbies of Mine:
Who can deny the importance of hobbies in one's life? Here are some of mine:
Playing Ultimate Frisbee
Watching Lynch movies
Philosophizing about Frank Herbert's DUNE universe
Fervently slaying enemies of the populace with religious ardor
Singing along with everyone's favorite Barney song
Bringing about the demise of nations with a wave of my hand
Links you can't live without!

Andrew Massey's World o' Chewbacca

House Atreides Home Page

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Page created by: (Robin Dunn)
Changes last made on: October 14, 1996