Today's Cutie:
Athena Chu
<FONT FACE="Arial,Helvetica"><FONT SIZE=-1>Please get a browser (e.g. Netscape 3.0) that support midi sound files</FONT></FONT>
 A note from Josh: 
Sorry to all of you who have been writing to me about the updating of this page, I had some personal problems recently and was not able to update this page for a while, from now on, I will try my best to update it regularly. Now that I realize it's hard to keep it as "Cuties of the Day", but at least I will try to update it once or twice a week. And I really need some suggestions from you on who should be here on this page, I don't want this page to be just my personal obsession about Vivian Hsu and Laetitia Casta. And it would be greatly appreciated if you could send in pictures also (with MIDI, even better!) 
This page is maintained by
Joshua Kuo
Picture courtesy of Josh Roe
Click on the image to see the enlarged picture
Please submit your favorite cutie. (picture + midi). Thanks.

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