Just General Sort Of Stuff
Washington Wizards vs. San Antonio Spurs
1997 Red Auerbach Colonial
Georgetown University vs. Howard University
Three drawings of Keaton from
his movies.
Done in an idle moment, when I had them!
Pen and ink drawing
Pen and ink drawing
My Doppelganger
Some sketches, portraits and paintings.
Unless you are a British motor
racing fan, you've probably never
heard of Murray Walker, let alone experienced his hysterically
funny bloopers uttered during a Formular One race. It is not
through lackof knowledge that these occur, but due his total
enthusiasm and excitement for a sport he is as much a fan of as
commentator for. Even if you haven't a clue about motor racing,
you can still appreciate this great collection of quotes.
This is a truly wonderful,
concise guide. Updated archeological reports,
access to research papers, photos of sites and artifacts. Anything anyone
the slightest fascination for things Ancient Egyptian could ever want.
The latest news headlines from
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