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"All this computer hacking is making me thirsty!" (30kb)
"The mail! The mail's here!" (31kb)
"I'll never drink another beer..." (49kb)
"Hey Barney, am I a pig?" (60kb)
Homer giving Bart some encouragement. (291kb)
"Oh Lisa, you and you're stories..." (131kb)
Homer after he has been brain washed. (69kb)
Homer pretending he is Mr. Burns. (114kb)
Homer watching a donut being burned. (117kb)
" there anything they can't do?" (44kb)
Homer trying to dial a number. (142kb)
"Maybe it's the beer talking but...." (121kb)
"One day honest citizens are going to stand up to you crooked cops." (89kb)
"What are the odds of getting sick on a Saturday?" (40kb)
"Hey, this tastes just like a..." (129kb)
"They're dogs, and they're playing poker!" (223kb)
Homer singing the Flinstones theme. (202kb)
"Blah, blah, blah......" (119kb)
"Woo-hoo! Four day weekend!" (54kb)
"I am so smart! S-M-R-T..." (132kb)
"Look at that blubber fly!" (28kb)
"Mmmm, unprocessed fishsticks." (53kb)
"Three simple words, I am gay. (41kb)
Homer arguing with Lisa about different meats. (163kb)
"Oh, they have the internet on computers now." (24kb)
Homer makes a toast to Marge. (90kb)
Homer encouraging Bart. (104kb)
"When I was seventeen....." (199kb)
"Stupid tv. Be more funny!" (18kb)
"Meow meow meow meow....." (48kb)
"Some people call me the space cowboy...." (228kb)
"Knock it off! I can't hear myself think....." (100kb)
"That's it, I'm outta here." (12kb)
Homer singing the Oscar Meyer song (71kb)
"Oh, look at me! I'm making people happy...." (111kb)
Homer singing the "Mr. Plow" theme. (62kb)
"...will they grow back?" (148kb)
"Computer's can do that?" (39kb)
Homer singing under the sea. (120kb)
Homer paying too much attention to the computer. (22kb)
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