I think that it is fairly obvious who my favorite Ranger is, Billy.
But this page is dedicated to his real world alter-ego, David Harold Yost.
I am hoping to gather all the information on this attractive green eyed actor
and have it made available to others who share my interests. I've collected
pictures of David from all over the Internet and from my own supplies. I have
placed them in the library. I've also gathered
and recorded several .wav files that anyone who likes David should appreciate
in the music room.
If you want to go straight to the list of links I've gathered, they're half way down the page. Or you can read a little about me, if you're interested.
Old message: There are a lot of rumors going around about who is the Gold Ranger is. I hope it's Billy, but I've heard from too many sources that it's Jason. Well, my best friend, Tigereye, would be tickled pink (sorry) if that was the case. But I'd be heartbroken. I liked seeing David flex those muscles and since he's not out fighting Putties, Tengu Warriors or Cogs, I miss seeing him an awful lot. Personally, if he isn't the Gold Ranger, I'll probably sit down and send Saban a letter begging them to put him back into action. I mean, really ... He is the only original Ranger/actor they have anymore. Jason David Frank (Tommy) doesn't count since he came into the show half way into the first season. *sigh* I guess I just have to wait and see, eh?
New message: Darn! It's Jason. Guess I'm going to have to get my printer set up and start mailing Saban letters about my guy.
No breach of copyright is intended. The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and the Power Rangers Zeo are copyrighted by Saban Entertainment in 1994, 1995, 1996 and 1997.
If I've used someone else's pictures or sound files, I hope I have included a polite thank you on my Allies List. If not, drop me a note and I'll correct myself. (Don't worry ... I correct myself often.)