WBS Klingon Empire

So you have honor? Feel that you are part of the Empire and you are loyal to the Empire and would die with honor for the Empire? Then you are Klingon!! And the High Council and the Klingon High Command would like to know you are here. Please complete the following and submit it so you can be logged as a Klingon. (No strings attached to this - this is just so we an see just how big the Empire is)


House Information

What is your house (or family tree)?

Which service are you in?
Klingon Fleet
Federation Fleet
Other... whose fleet?

WBS Information

HandleWhat is your WBS handle?
Ship NameWhat is the name of your ship?
Ship ClassWhat class of ship is it?
Who is the HoDWho is the Captain?
Fleet NamePut 'ASSIGN' and we will assign you to a fleet if you wish.
If you said ASSIGN - which fleet would you like to be in?
Empire Defence Force
High Council Imperial Force
Medical Fleet?
Your Mate's NameWhat is your Cyber Mate's name?
Male ChildrenWhat are the names of your male cyber children?
Female ChildrenWhat are the names of your female cyber children?
DOBWhat is your character's cyber date of birth?
AgeHow old is your cyber character?
Email AddyWhat is your email address?


Klingon Ranks Page

The Empire thanks you for registering. We will confirm this registration.

Got any questions? Then you can email...

Klingon High Command at selatrel@geocities.com


Chancellor K'Teak - Klingon High Council at redneck@alaska.net

Emperor WorfDL - Klingon High Council at worfdl@schat.com

Lord Klaa - Klingon High Council at joh_klaa@hotmail.com

Lord Ka'Rul - Klingon High Council at cherokee@netcene.com

Lord Unicorn3 - Klingon High Council at unikazar@hotmail.com

Lord Selatrel - Klingon High Council at selatrel@msn.com.au

Lord K'mtok - Klingon High Council at jimkirk@ozemail.com.au

The WBS Klingon Empire Webring
This WBS Klingon Empire is owned by
The Klingon High Command.

Want to Join the Web Ring?

You are visitor to the Empire!

Page last update - 23rd November, 1998.