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    Hot off the presses, here's the story.

  • Fox wins Golden Globe

    For the third year in a row, Michael J. Fox is the Best Television Actor - Comedy at the Golden Globes. For those who say it was a sympathy vote tied to his recent announcement to leave the show (see above), keep in mind that the voting closed before the announcement was made. In his acceptance speech, he made mention of the situation ("I made a lot of meetings happen.") and also recognized the rest of the cast, who were there since the show was up for Best Comedy. (It lost to Sex & the City.) Later, in a backstage interview, he mentioned he has a new website There's not much there yet, but I'm sure the site will grow once he finds the time in his schedule to oversee the site.

  • Y2K?!?!??!?

    As you can see, this page was hardly Y1K compliant. An apology to all the visitors here. The main reason I was unable to update this site was because I haven't had a VCR at the house, so I haven't been able to bring you the in-depth, hard-hitting analysis you've come to expect. But fear not. I've got almost all the episodes taped (Paul meeting Regis being the exception) and should start to catch up in the next month or two. Now that I've got a new VCR and a larger TV, it's all good.

  • Spin City moving

    In a really dumb move, ABC is moving Spin City once again. This time, it's landing at 9:30 E/8:30 C on Wednesdays. That makes the 5th move in 4 years. You can pin the blame solely on Regis and his Millionaires.

  • 850,000 hits and counting...!
    Thanks to everyone for visiting! Up next, the 1 million mark!

  • Do you attend Spin City Tapings?

    If so, spill the beans and tell us what's upcoming. Send your scoops to

  • Ferris Beuller's Day Off is on DVD. Check out Alan Ruck in his star-making performance.
  • The first half of Season 3 now has screen captures. Visit the Screen Shot Page to check them out...

  • Bump on over to The Unofficial Official Spin City Club to see some more photos for the show. Get some chatter going too folks!

  • Coming soon is an on-line survey for the visitors to this site. It'll be running as soon as I learn CGI...

  • You asked for it: The Spin City Theme. It's in .WAV format (apx. 200K), and it is now available for your downloading pleasure.

  • Now that I've graduated, will someone please give me a job?

Be sure to check out My Spin, a weekly rant on the political and entertainment worlds.

Some of the banners and e-mail links are still not working. If in doubt, send questions and comments to

From Left: Richard Kind (Paul Lassiter), Victoria Dillard (Janelle Cooper), Alan Ruck (Stuart Bondek), Michael J. Fox (Michael Flahrety), Barry Bostwick (Mayor Randall Winston), Jennifer Esposito (Stacy Paterno), Connie Britton (Nikki Faber), Alexander Chaplin (James Hobert), Michael Boatman (Carter Heywood) - (Character name in parenthesis)

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This page was last updated 8/21/99.

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