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Comments I have received from visitors to this site. I have each name linked to their eMail address, this way fellow fans can share experiences if desired. Thank you!!
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Steve |
As a big fan of 50's SciFi movies, I was really glad to find your web page. Your dad's movie has been one of my favorites ever since it scared the stuffings out of me as a kid. To this day, it remains unique in it's exagerated comic book appearance. You have a very nice page: lots of good pictures and lots of information. I hope you supply a little more of the later, though. Thanks for the info, thanks for your great web page, and thank Jim for the movie,too. |
Marcia |
I just had to let you know what a treat it was to see your web page! I was browsing on Yahoo, seeing if I could loacte a place to buy the movie, and your web site was the only match to "Invaders From Mars". I want to share with you my memories of the movie - I've only seen it once, and yet the images are burned into my brain like few other movies. I was nine years old, and it was the summer of 1962. Our grade school hosted movies once a week during the summer, to keep kids busy and out of the mom's hair for a few hours. So I went to see this "old" film, and sat through the movie on the hardwood floor of the gym. I was scared sensless. Nobody would believe the little boy. The image of people falling through the sand. That awful image of the drill into the back of the neck! To this day, the film is the base of some of my nightmares! That's a good movie! :-) Anyway - wanted to tell you thanks for a great web page! It was fun! |
Ken and Lorrie |
This is nuts. My wife and I met in 1981. On our first date -- this lets you know what shape our courtship was in -- Lorrie began talking about this movie she remembered from when she was a kid, that it was scary but couldn't remember the name. I said, oh my God, this sounds like "Invaders From Mars," the movie that absolutely haunted me as a child. I wasn't so scared of the "mutants" -- certainly not of their visible zippers! -- but how his father came back so brutal, so angry. That night was proof we were destined to be together (even though it took me 4 years to propose). Anyway, we bought this computer about 3 weeks ago. It's 11:15 pm, I've got to get up in 5 hours, and we find ourselves sitting in front of the computer. We both wondered if there were an Invaders From Mars site, not expecting to find anything -- certainly not one from 1953! Needless to say, we can't begin to tell you how excited we are that this site exists. Now, time for sleep. Second eMail - I taped the movie years ago and I still have it. In fact, we just had some people over for dinner a couple of weeks ago, and the husband was just like me -- he was tortured by the movie as a kid and had been afraid to see it ever since. So we -- grownups, no less -- spent the watching it again. It's a calssic! Do you know of anyplace I could get the poster from the movie? I saw it on your web site and it was tremendous! |
Steve |
Thank You. Thank You. I just discovered your page tonight 2/3/97. I have been on the net for a couple of years. I did several searches about a year ago on "Invaders From Mars" without much luck. I couldn't believe it tonight when I tied into your page through the Forbidden Planet page. I have long considered "Invaders" the oringal as my favorite movie of all time. I'm sorry but the 1986 remake sucks in comparison. The original is awesome. It has a surealistic feel that has never been equalled for me in any movie. Coincidentally I was born in August of 1953. I am a television news anchor and reporter with the CBS affiliate in Des Moines. I have a copy of the "Invaders" poster on my desk to serve as inspiration on a daily basis. I was so thrilled by the discovery of this page, that I am e-mailing you before I have even looked at it. Thanks for doing this! "Invaders From Mars" rules! |
Bill |
I'm having a great time today; I'm just cruising around the Web, starting at Forry Akerman's page. That led me (somehow) to a page devoted to FORBIDDEN PLANET, which in turn led me to pages on WAR OF THE WORLDS and INVADERS FROM MARS. Hot Damn. I think it was INVADERS FROM MARS more than any other single movie (with the possible exception of WAR OF THE WORLDS and THE DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL) that led me to loving these movies. I even wrote an enormous book on the SF movies of the 1950's, called KEEP WATCHING THE SKIES. Glad to have found your page. |
BIG FAN | I just wanted to ssay thank you. I have been searching for a copy of this original film for the last five years. Finally I found it at the site you recommended. Thank you! |
Jeff |
Ron, I came upon your page in the usual way, surfing. Invaders From Mars (the original) was one of the *scariest* movies I ever saw as a child. Of course, as an adult I see a lot of political and social issues that were parts of the 1950's Cold War mentality. But as a child, watching your parents turn into "something unrecognizable" is very scary! I'm now an artist (photographer) and even did a piece about it. I've put it up on my home page (http://www.tmn.com/jgates). You'll find the reference at http://www.tmn.com/jgates/past.html.
Barry | Really enjoyed your web page! I just purchased "Invaders From Mars" on video and it brought back many memories of my childhood because I remember seeing it back in the 50's while growing up in Ohio. The film has an eerie, unforgettable quality (I think the music added a lot as well) which sticks in the collective unconscious. I am a professional cameraman living here in Glendale, CA. and I think that films like "Invaders From Mars" and several others were a definite influence on my choice of professions. It's interesting to view the film as an adult because you are more aware of how movies are shot whereas when you're a kid, it's all magic! But still, "Invaders From Mars" has that magical quality (almost comic book like) that never leaves you. I think that Jimmy Hunt, the child actor, is incredible as the lead in this film. He comes off very "real" and "sincere"....a rare bit of acting for a juvenile performer! I've always enjoyed it. Thanks for a great web page! |
Steve |
Hello! So glad I found your web page for Invaders From Mars. As with many others it is a classic of immense proportions. I am dying to purchase any memorabilia about the film, ie...posters, artifacts, etc... can you direct me where such merchandise is available? Many thanks! |
John |
Invaders From Mars was extremely memorable to me. It was in 3-D as I recall. It was very thrilling and exciting, especially as it built to the climax. Over the years I've seen it several times and it holds up very well--in the same class as Invasion of the Body Snatchers. Obviously, the recent re-make was nowhere near as well done. Anyway, best wishes to you and your father. |
Bill |
My name is Bill. I am an anchor with CNBC. I'm also a movie buff who loves all the old sci-fi classics of hte 50's I would love an autographed photo of your father. Your web site doesn't include the images yet. But any photo from "Invaders" would be just fine. Regards. |
Jelane | I had to let you know how much I liked your Web sites. They are very well done. I love how well all the graphics and photos are coordinated! |