Hi there!

Welcome to my new site :)

You may have noticed some changes around here recently. The navbar is now on the bottom of the screeen, and this section which used to hold quotes now has this little message area for me to write to you in. Well, I'm experimenting with this to see how it works. Please send me comments at my e-mail address.

***What's New?***

9/09/2000 - Added Sevilla and Barcelona.

8/26/2000 - Added a P2P page for Toledo as well as a few other modifications here and there.

8/10/2000 - Redid the layout. Also, I am going to try to add the start of a People 2 People website.

My Little Waste of Cyberspace

Written by me about life, the universe, and everything. (5,000 bonus points to anyone who caught the Douglas Adams reference.) Such as: Oh, Damn, The Video Game Conspiracy, and some stories and reports.

Personal Projects
An index of all of my projects, from the barely started before abandoning to the somewhat complete. Includes my 'The Sims' Skins, Mozilla Skin, and others.

Summer 2000
A nifty page all about this Summer! Features include the People 2 People Trip to Europe, Sophomore Class Field Trip, Cabaret Writing & Performance Workshop and a few other things.

Oh, come on. It's Links! Kinda self-explanatory. Anyways, this is my links page to other cool pages.

About Me
Starting to Wonder who wrote all this crap? Well, wonder no more! This page will give you my brief bio, portfolio, resume, whatever.

(Note: This page is optimized for Mozilla-based browsers and Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 at an 800x600 resolution. If you are using Netscape, make sure you are using Netscape 6 (which is Mozilla-based). If you are using an older version of Internet Explorer, I reccomend upgrading to version 5.)