Well, my full name is Deborah Jane Gerrard. My maiden name is NEESOM.
My birthday is May 16, 1956. I'm 51, married with two children, and a 13-year-old Black Lab/Shepherd named Pooky. I'm fist generation Canadian, eh!
My father, Frank Neesom is form Manchester England,and my mother, Iris Stidolph-Smith (Hamilton) Neesom is from Glasgow Scotland.
She passed away on Nov. 10. 1998.
My family was a Scouting family. My Grandfather in Scotland, (my Mum's Dad, Archie Hamilton), my Uncle Jack Hamilton, (Mum's brother) my Mum and myself were all members. I was in the Girlguides for 12 years. I started when I was 7 in the Brownies, and went all the way through to be a Snowy Owl, Brown Owl and a Guide Leader. Mum was a Brown Owl, & the District Commissioner.
My husband Paul James Gerrard is 49. His birthday is Mar. 3, 1958.
He's first generation Canadian too! His parents are from Birmingham England.
We have been married 20 years now. He is a Computer technician, and works for a local plastic moulding company.
You could say that I am addicted to the Internet! Get me on, and you can't get me off! The same could be said about my Family Tree Research! I have been researching for over seven years now. The Internet is a very useful tool for this. My web page was made to help me find more information on my family, and to share what I have with others.
My daughter, Janine Lynn (Perry) McKeon (from my first marriage) is 27,(Aug. 14, 1980)and lives in Dublin Ireland. She moved there in July of 1998. She Is a Graphics Designer.
My son Alan James Frank Gerrard is 21, (Oct. 5, 1986) He is a Computer Tech. with reBoot Canada.
We live in Peterborough, Ontario, Canada. Both my husband and myself were born here in Peterborough.
Janine was born in Newmarket, Ontario, and Alan was born in Oshawa Ontario.
We moved back to Peterborough from Oshawa in 1988.
My hobbies are crochet, walking, biking, camping, Genealogy and the Internet! I also collect Foreign Dolls, (I have 32 dolls from 32 countries in my collection) Foreign coins, china cups and saucers. My favourite china pattern is "Royal Albert; Old Country Roses". I love "Star Trek", science fiction, historical movies and books, and watch British programs. My favourite author is Diana Gabaldon.

Our "Pooky" Angel!

This is my Hubby, Paul and I in the summer of 2007

Janine and Alan in Dec.2007.