British TV, Lots of info links, fun stuff!

Granada Main Page
Knowhere Guide to Britian
Manchester Homepages
Soap Heaven
The BBC Online
The Hamish Macbeth Page!
The Sunday Times
Virtual Manchester
Online Gaelic lessons
THe Irish Times
Mark Windover's Web Page - Professional Genealogist
The Scottish Banner
The Clannad Website
Clans of Ireland
All About Irish
Famous Irish - Brian Boru
Irish-Celtic Links
Lady Anne's Celtic Pages
World Burns Club-100 Burns Facts
Dark Isle - Castles and other historic sites in Scotland
Highlander Web Magazine
ScotClans - Scottish Clans, Tartans, Kilts and Shopping
Scottishs Folklore and Folklife
Scottish Myths and Legends
Stone Pages o Web guide to Megalithic Europe
Tartan Day Home - Scotland's Tartan Day
The Battlefields, Clans and Families of Scotland
Cities in the United Kingdom
Wales Travel, Culture, History, Language o Celtic Languages Gaelic, Irish, Scottish, Welsh, Manx Dictionaries
The Castles of Wales

There will be more links added as I find them.
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Please E-mail me with comments, suggestions or additions. TTFN!