My Favorite Life
Warren Buckley works for Greer Advertising and has recommended a friend, Leo, to the owner who hires him despite his obesity. Mister Greer is a physical fitness and diet nut, even requiring employees to exercise daily in a company gym. Leo claims his weight problem is inherited, genetic, but others scoff.
Despite his advertising abilities in college, Leo doesn't fit in with his slim and trim fellow employees. He loves to eat and Warren has to make him lose weight and get in shape or BOTH of their jobs are in jeopardy!
Given a difficult assignment, Leo is torn between it and his efforts to lose weight. Nothing seems to work until he hears about an Oriental diet tea. He drinks it, mixing it with another ancient, little known Chinese herb supposed to improve imagination, vital in Leo's line of work.
The mixture puts Leo into a deep sleep and he enters a tunnel with doors, each door opening into a PAST LIFE! He views himself in various past lives, always overweight, confirming his genetic theory. A mixup awakens him as a PILGRIM from the 1600's, talking and dressing like one. Warren has to bring him to the office surviving subways and sights which are new and scary to Pilgrim Leo.
Warren manages to talk his way out of this explaining to Mr. Greer that Leo learned this technique in college and it will aid him with his assignment. A second batch of tea results in Leo returning from the tunnel as a bossy, ancient Roman bigwig, and then as a Caveman, all the while dressing and acting as such, having to go to work this way to appease Mr. Greer.
Leo finally awakens as LEO, and from his weird experiences comes up with a clever ad campaign, saving the account and pleasing the boss. Mr. Greer finally compromises with Leo's weight problem accepting the fact that it IS genetic.
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