Jenito's Peanuts Page is, sadly, no more. I have been shut down by United Media, who says that the voices of the characters are their property, yadda yadda yadda. Well, just look for yourself...
Thanks so much to the 6,064 people who have visited this page since July. It's been great!! Check out some other legal Peanuts sites below...
Snoopy's Doghouse United Media's Official Peanuts Page.
Snoopy's Gallery and Gift Shop Tons of Peanuts merchandise!
Snoop-to-Nuts Collectibles More Peanuts merchandise!
Peanuts Collectors' Home Page
Peanuts Vanity Plates
Laura's Warm Puppy Page
Maureen's Snoopy Room
Timothy Chow's Peanuts Quiz Page
This is your page, Charlie Brown!
The "Christopher Shea as Linus" Page
Charlie Brown's Suicide (Ok, so I'm a little morbid ...)
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© 1997