Hi . . .
Out of all the websites on the world wide web, you've clicked your way onto mine - welcome!
Perhaps you found this page because you were curious about the person behind James Dean Online, Meryl Streep Online and
The Inspirational Quotes Collection. And if you're like me, you like to know a little bit about the folks "behind-the-site" so-to-speak.
My name is Myla, and CD, Scooby and I live in the beautiful Pacific Northwest region of the United States. We live in Seattle, undoubtedly one of the best places for someone who loves capturing clouds on film.
The Meryl Streep/James Dean Connection
I'm often asked what the connection is - and to answer I'd have to take you back to the Summer of 1993. My sister Deb and I were on the phone talking about this article I'd just read, which suggested a good way to unwind on the weekend was to have your own film festival at home. All you needed was a VCR (this was pre-DVD) and a trip to your local video store. The article went on to suggest you ". . . pick three films: a trilogy, or perhaps three films starring the same actor or actress, you decide. Pop your own popcorn, press pause as much as you want, you're running the show." So we got to talking about who Deb's favorites were. "In high school, it was Natalie Wood. Have you seen 'Inside Daisy Clover'?" she asked. I hadn't, but I'd coincidentally just caught "Spendour in the Grass" on cable and loved it, and so I started watching more of Natalie's films, and rented 'Daisy', "West Side Story," and "Love With the Proper Stranger," to name a few, and when I got to "Rebel Without A Cause," I nearly put it back on the shelf. I wasn't all that keen on renting what I had always thought was a 50's biker movie (and where on earth I got that idea I have no clue); but I did rent it. I was absolutely amazed by James Dean's performance. From the moment he staggered onto the screen, all I could think of was "This is James Dean?" He was nothing like I'd imagined him to be -- and after Rebel (without a "pause" - (sorry couldn't resist) - but I didn't during the entire film) - and East of Eden (and then Giant), I was hooked. I started reading biographies written about him, and about a year and a half later, the web was just starting to really take off. There was virtually nothing online about James Dean - the actor. I had taken some time off, began dabbling in web design (Deb was too), and started an online tribute to his artistry in collaboration with the folks at CMG Worldwide and about a year later made it part of the official website of James Dean - www.jamesdean.com.
Deb knew how much I loved doing it and encouraged me to continue with it after I finished the James Dean site. I was searching for a new subject. I'd created my Inspirational Quotes Collection, and after the Yahoo! folks listed the site (which was one of the first Inspirational Quotes collections ever online), it really took off (and now averages 3,000 to 4,000 hits every day). "So you've done your favorite actor, who is your favorite actress?" she asked me.
Without a moment's hesitation - I said "Meryl Streep - of course!" Deb said that she didn't remember seeing a website for Meryl Streep. "You could do it," she suggested. And then the wheels started spinning . . . Meryl Streep. I loved her work -- she was brilliant. Deb and I totally agreed. We talked about Meryl's work for awhile. "The first time I saw the film Sophie's Choice, I
had no idea Meryl Streep was an American actress. She was so real, so incredibly real in that role. I've been a fan ever since." Sophie's Choice was (and remains to this day) one of my favorite films of all time, and in my opinion is one of the greatest performances ever created by anyone. And so that very weekend (which was back in February of 1997) I started the website, what is now called MSO. Deb and I talked about the site a bit, but she never got to see it online - as Deb was diagnosed with Cancer a few months before she suggested starting the website, and she died just a few months later, in April.
So when I'm asked what the connection is between James Dean and Meryl Streep, I could tell people that they are both film legends and happen to be my favorite actor and actress. Over the years I've discovered other connections, some obvious, some just fun: James Dean and Meryl both have ties to The Actor's Studio, the reknowned drama school in New York; they both have stars on Hollywood Boulevard; Meryl's co-star Cher ("Silkwood") starred in the film "Come Back to the Five & Dime, Jimmy Dean, Jimmy Dean"; and in one of Meryl's films after the big party sequence, Dr. Menville (played by Bruce Willis) makes his getaway by jumping into a replica of James Dean's Porsche Spyder (with a James Dean lookalike on the steps). One of my favorites? When Meryl guest-starred on The Simpsons and her character, Jessica Lovejoy, rides off with the "James Dean" character in the end. But for me the real connection between Meryl Streep and James Dean is my sister Deb. And now you know. ;-)
I'm often asked Why and How. . .
The answer to "Why?" is simply because I've spent the majority of my professional career in front of a computer, working mostly with MS/Word, Powerpoint, Excel and the like, you know, "work stuff," and I found that being able to publish on the web just felt like the perfect fit to create and design in, bridging my professional and creative sides.
I NEVER would have imagined that what started out as a hobby would have turned into what you see today, or that these webpages would have reached (literally) nearly 3.5 million people, which is absolutely mindboggling. And because websites are so easily changeable, keep an eye out for what I call the tweak factor - what you see today might look totally different the next time you visit, one of the things I love most about the Web. As to the "how" - if you really want to learn, the web is now filled with resources to teach you everything you need to know. I write the HTML myself and use PaintShopPro and ArcSoft 2000 for graphics.
This site has been modified from its original version.
It has been formatted to fit this screen.
I've designed these websites with the hope your preferences will only enhance what you see (despite your browser, monitor size and/or font choices) - but to see everything as close to how I originally intended - set your resolution to 800x600 (right mouseclick on your desktop and choose properties) and your default browser font to MS Verdana (10pt).
No, I promise, I'm not always glued in front of my PC. . .
Last summer, I spent most of my free time working in my garden. In August I went to New York (for the first time) to see Meryl Streep -- performing in Central Park. And yes, she was absolutely amazing. Webwise, in addition to MSO, I'm in the process of redesigning a website for a local rock and mineral gallery and several others, and doodling around on The Alphabet Project in my spare time. ;-)
I hope you've enjoyed "clicking" around my websites as much as I love creating them. Happy surfing, and thanks for stopping by,

Photo: Me circa 1966, photo by my Dad
GeoCities animation - artist unknown
Background Design by DesignerOriginals
WOODSTOCK © Charles Schulz
WebDesign by M/Kent | © 1996-2001
Site hosted by Yahoo!Geocities
Featuring the Cartoonistry of Camilla
"Maple Leaf Rag" (Scott Joplin) Sequenced by Irwin Schwartz
(Used with Permission)