Da Immortal Thugz
Immortal Thugz

Immortal Thugz

Welcome to da Immortal Thugz,this page has been dedicated to one of da best groups and tha greatest rappa ever,Bone Thugs 'N' Harmony and Tupac Shakur,so please take da tyme tah look around and peep all sekshunz and if u have any ideas,comments,suggestions,requests,either email meHERE-or tell me in mah guestbook,aight peace!

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Choose Your Destiny

2 Enter 2PAC-Click Here
Tupac Shakur-Click Here

2 Enter BONE THUGS 'N' HARMONY-Click Here
Bone Thugs 'N' Harmony-Click Here

Props go out to allpeeps who have peeped this page

Don't Bite My ShitCopyright-Immortal ThugzDon't Bite My Shit
All pictures,musik are all part of Da Immortal Thugz page,so don't take,steal,bite nutin off this page,unless you have strict permission off the webmasta Wycked-All banners have been made by Wycked so i will know they have been stolen if i see em anywhere then you will see what happens