LOS ANGELES (AP) - The wife of frontman Paul Stanley has filed for
divorce, citing irreconcilable differences.
Pamela Bowen Stanley is seeking joint legal and physical custody of their 6-year-old son, Evan Shane. She also is asking for spousal support.
The couple married on July 26, 1992, and separated earlier this year, according to the divorce petition filed in Los Angeles Superior Court on Monday. The couple's assets will be divided later, according to the court papers.
Stanley is an original member of the rock band , which is on its
``Farewell Tour.'' SOURCE: Netscape Daily News Friday, March 9, 2001
Man, that is really sad. If you had the once in a lifetime chance and attended the Konvention, you know what I mean. Lots of the better questions regarded family. Paul's face beamed when anyone asked him about his son, Evan.
lives up to my brother's opinion of them with a
PEPSI commercial.
Ray just called my house. He was just coming to after seeing ON A
Gene....Gene....Gene or should I say Moneybag$ ***SIGH*** back the scheduled program...
broke my heart on WCW Nitro. I'm not going to dis the Boyz, however ditching the make up and getting the Revenge line up back is the last chance at being credible again. Nothing against wrestling but this isn't the direction I want to see my idols go anywhere near. As Gene said in an AOL chat, to plug Detroit Rock City, "My mom wants another house". That honesty is fantastic, (compared to the hypocritical "We are the World"-types) but I'd rather see them make their dough from touring. If Ric Flair ends up The Demon's manager I will do a 180 on the previous soapbox, but I'm not holding my breath.
Eric B. of the WCW is no longer an on-air personality. I was hoping that his lame ass "talk show" with even lamer Billy C. Wuertz as his band (Pittsburgh and Cleveland folks know Billy C. as the 'reverend') retired him. However, the more reliable wrestling pages are saying that the Demon was the last straw. Don't weep for Eric, though. He has a front office job.
Even Newer Development
Well, the Demon is still wrestling and Eric is still working, so I was misinformed. I guess by now you know all about the auction. Jiminy Crickets, I'm running out of things to say in defense.....
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