Despite the people that have visited my homepage (according to (Counter provided by
WebCounterI have found that only a very few number actually
view my Guestbook , let alone
sign my Guestbook which was provided by
. Aside from this strange occurance, I have decided to completely SCRAP my past webpage so that you may view this NEW webpage the right now has hardly anything on it, but contains little or NO links to other commercial sites. Just a bunch O' links to MY other webpages, webpages I have helped with or webpages of my FRIENDS. (Yes, I do have quite a few). Don't think that I am an Egotistical Newt Gingrich because of this. I just figured that, HEY! I don't update my links to other people's pages enough so I never know when they DIE like this one and change format. I realize that this is WAY to long, so...ON WITH THE NEW PAGE!!!
The Official Wigg Inc. Website
The Official Green Retro Webpage
My very own Bob and Doug Mckenzie Webpage
Since I won an award a Touch Of Class award, I figured I'd probably better show the award. So, there it is, below this paragraph. Thank you Touch of Class people!
I guess that's about it for this page, so now you get to look at the boring copyright junk that's at the bottom of every webpage.
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This page was created and is maintained by David Wiegman .The actual making of this page was made possible thanks to the friendly folk(s) at Wigg Inc. Therefore, this page and everything on it (unless otherwise noted) is ª & ©1996David Wiegman/ Wigg Inc. Copyright information for all listed links is provided on the corresponding pages. David Wiegman and Wigg Inc.take NO (repeat: NO!!!) responsibility for unauthorized linkage, poor taste in use of copyrighted material, abuse or misuse of copyrighted material, etc., etc., etc. You can not hold me responsible for ANYTHING!
This page was created with the help of Wigg Inc. Click here to see a listing of other Wigg Inc. websites.