Gloria Hallward was born on November 28, 1923 in Los Angeles, California. She was the daughter of Michael Hallward, an architect, and Jean MacDougall who was stage Jean Grahame. Her mother later became her acting coach. Descended from royalty, from King Edward III through her father's side, she was bred for acting at an early age.
By the time she was a teenager, she had little interest in school. She actually quit Hollywood High School just short of graduation to join a touring show called GOOD NIGHT LADIES. Later she appeared in a couple of Broadway plays when she was spotted by Louis B. Mayer in 1944. He was impressed enough to offer her a contract with MGM at $250 a week.
Her first role was that of Sally Murfin in BLONDE FEVER later that same year. But it was the role of Violet in IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE in 1946 that set her apart from other actresses. Here she played the part of the temptress for Jimmy Stewart and it was while she was on loan out from MGM.
Although Gloria was extremely talented and gifted, MGM felt she didn't fit their set star pattern, so they sold her contract to RKO. After her appearances in films such as IT HAPPENED IN BROOKLYN and SONG OF THE THIN MAN(both in 1947), she hit pay dirt with her role as Ginny Tremaine in CROSSFIRE with RKO. This was the film which would mark her for super stardom. She was nominated for an Academy Award but was beat out by Celeste Holm in GENTLEMAN'S AGREEMENT.
After another stellar performance in THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH in 1952, she was nominated for yet another Oscar in THE BAD AND THE BEAUTIFUL. Here she played the role of Rosemary Bartlow, the wife of a novelist turned screen writer, opposite Dick Powell. This time she won. Her performance was absolutely outstanding. The film itself won four additional awards making it the year's most honored movie.
That same year (1952) saw her star in MACAO and SUDDEN FEAR. Both movies were very well received. The fifties were a wonderful decade for Gloria as she apeared in other hits as well. She has SUDDEN FEAR (1953) and OKLAHOMA!(1955) to her credit as well.
Then, as with many other performers, Gloria's career slowed. She made ODDS AGAINST TOMORROW in 1959 and didn't make another until 1966 when she appeared in RIDE BEYOND VENGEANCE. Again another drought until THE TODD KILLINGS in 1971.
But Gloria was not idle during this period. She went back to stage acting and did work in TV. She ultimately made it back to the silver screen with films not exactly well-received. Her last two films were MELVIN AND HOWARD in 1980 (one of my favorite flicks) and THE NESTING in 1981.
Gloria Grahame, one of Hollywood's most serious and
skilled actresses, contracted cancer and died in New York City on October 5, 1981 at the age of
57. She was, without a doubt, one of the finest actresses ever to grace the silver screen. She did, indeed, remind legions of fans of the girl next door.
Gloria Grahame pics are below!
Gloria Pic 1
Gloria Pic 2
Gloria Pic 3
Gloria Pic 4
Gloria Pic 5
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I liked your article on Gloria.....she deserves so much more recognition than she seems to get. My mother grew up with Gloria and her sister, Joy. When I was a child, we often would go visit Michael and Jean Hallward, who lived in a charming house in San Diego at the time. (or, it could have been La Jolla..) Both our families moved around through the years between Los Angeles and La Jolla. I have particularly fond memories of Michael Hallward, who was the most classical English gentleman I have ever had occasion to meet. He was handsome, silver-haired, slender and elegant. He was delightful to children, and we all loved him. Jean, his wife, was very kind also. My aunt Lois, who was a life-long friend of Joy, Gloria's sister, said that when they were little girls they all had tremendous crushes on Michael Hallward; he had given them all these peculiar little nicknames. My mother's was "Scud"! Go figure.....Joy married Robert Mitchums' brother, Jim (later divorced). When I was homesick at boarding school in L.A., Joy took me under her wing. She was a brilliant woman, and was teaching voice and diction at John Robert Powers at the time. When I was about 12 to 14, my sisters and I used to babysit Paulette, Glorias' daughter with (I believe) Sy Howard. I've always wondered what became of her....she had Gloria's blonde, big-green-eyed looks. I remember one weekend I spent in the San Fernando Valley while I was in boarding school at Immaculate Heart High School, in 1966. I was hanging around, waiting for Joy or someone, and in walked Gloria from the backyard. She must have been (?) middle-aged by then, but I remember how perfectly petite and beautiful she was, and what a presence she had! She was very tan, had lovely honey-blonde hair to her shoulders, and when she turned around, she had the most stunning, large, green eyes - just like some golden cat! I was stricken with admiration. And years later I was so saddened to hear that she had succumbed to the same thing that had taken my mother, also a rarely beautiful and talented woman. Well, I just thought I would send along this little rememberance if you are interested. They at least were fortunate enough to have grown up in the most wonderful time to live in California.
All the best to you!
© 1998 Denny C. Jackson