Evelyn Ankers was born in Valparaiso, Chile on August 17, 1918. She became interested in acting at an early age, participating in school productions which were popular then as now. At 18, Evelyn struck out on her own in search of a career. As with all struggling actresses, she haunted casting offices in search of a part, any part.
In 1936 she landed a bit role in REMBRANDT. For the next two years and seven films, that would be the extent of her on screen exploits.
It was almost like magic when Evelyn turned 20. She landed the second lead next to Edward Ashley in 1938's THE VILLIERS DIAMOND. For unknown reason's Evelyn's schedule went flat after that year.
She had made five fairly good movies and would not be seen again until she returned to the screen in 1941's BACHELOR DADDY.
For the balance of the 1940's Evelyn was swamped making films, 38 of them. Most of the films were horror pictures such as THE GHOST OF FRANKENSTEIN (1942), THE MAD GHOUL (1943), THE PEARL OF DEATH (1944), and THE FROZEN GHOST (1945). Even though her movies were not exactly "top of the line", Evelyn did have a huge following in the "B" picture genre. No wonder she was known as the "Queen of the Screamers". It was widely accepted that no one could give a blood-chilling scream like Evelyn could.
By the time she made THE TEXAN MEETS CALAMITY JANE (1950), where she had the lead, she was to appear in no other flicks until 1960. That year she was 42 when she appeared in 1960's BO GREATER LOVE. After that she retired.
She lived out her
remaining days in Hawaii. It was there she died of ovarian
cancer on August 29, 1985. She was 67 years old.
Some nice Evelyn Ankers photos.
Evelyn Pic 1
Evelyn Pic 2
Evelyn Pic 3
Evelyn Pic 4
Evelyn Pic 5
Evelyn Pic 6
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Hopefully more to come.
Thanks to Fred Farley for the pics and guidance on this page.
© 1999 Denny C. Jackson dejackso@iglou.com