Survival Kits & Info

Props needed
you will need: rice, newspaper, squirt guns, flashlights, rubber gloves, confetti, noisemakers, toilet paper, a party hat, toast, a bell, and cards.
RICE: Wedding Scene
NEWSPAPER, SQUIRT GUN, FLASHLIGHT: rain scene/"There's a Light"
RUBBER GLOVES/CONFETTI/NOISEMAKERS: creation scene through end of Charles Atlas song (marriage music).
TOILET PAPER: arrival of Dr. Scott
PARTY HAT/TOAST: dinner scene
BELL: "Wise Up, Janet Weiss"
CARDS: "I'm Going Home"
optional props would be stuff like labcoats, eddie helmet, sunglasses, etc.

Need ideas for costumes to wear to the show? Read Here.
Rocky costumes:
*Magenta is easy, just go to any costume shop or around Halloween, any Jewel or Wal-Mart, etc. and look for a cheap maid costume. To get super frizzy hair, wet hair, braid, let dry, unbraid, tease with a brush, and you can always spray it with hair color. of course, set with lots of hairspray.
*Riff Raff: bald wig over the top of your hair if you want. black tux jacket or just a black jacket, black pants, white vest underneath with red stains on it, black boots.
*For Brad, Janet, Dr. Scott, and the Criminologist, hitting any thrift store should do the trick.
*Brad: An old black tux or suit, a tan jacket, thick black nerdy glasses, tighty whities.
*Janet: a purple dress (2 pc is correct) or a pink dress, white round brimmed hat (easter hats are good here), black high heels or white high heels, white bra, slip, purse, and as a gag, condoms in your hair for hair clips.
*Dr. Scott: suit jacket, tie, glasses, fake moustache, fishnets, heels, plaid blanket (or fabric).
*Chuckie: a red tie, grey suit jacket, cigarette holder, photo album, white hair (powder or spray works)
*Frank: you can makeshift a black corsette out of a tshirt, just trim it to fit. black garter belt, sequins, black curly wig (again, costume shop or Jewel around Halloween, $5.), black high heels. dinner scene is a black corsette with a mesh shirt over it, party hat, high-heeled black boots.
*Eddie: helmet, sunglasses, cowboy boots, blue jeans, black tshirt (if you wanna get technical it has "Eddie" in blue sparkley cursive across the front), motorcycle jacket with "Baby" on the back & chains; rings, saxophone, slingshot necklace, red 'slit' across forehead.
*Trixie: anything flies here. In the play version, she was an usherette, or a cigarette girl. So any old-fashioned dress or anything vendor-like, and she carried a box that said, "hi, i'm trixie" with goodies in it.
*Columbia: she's harder b/c of all the sequins so basically anything sparkley, black shorts or cutoffs, paint works ok for makeshift stripes on the shorts. blue socks, pink sequined bowtie, a dog collar works, a top hat, (gold sparkely ones around halloween.) mary janes for shoes or tap shoes.
*Rocky: easy. gold underpants. gold boots. or just combat boots, can spray gold. blonde wig. black eyeliner.
*Trannie: the easiest & most accessible: black pants, white socks, black shoes (most are high-heeled with straps), white shirt, colored cumberbund that matches the bowtie, black tail coat or coat, party hat, and of course, sunglasses. wigs are good here, they are really fun to be creative with!
Non-Rocky Horror costumes:
*Basically anything wild or weird is good. Strange makeup, funny clothes or slutty clothes, wigs, masks, sparkly, you name it and it flies. Just look at some of the pictures on this site to get an idea.

Callback Lines
Wanna go in a little prepared? Know a few of the callback lines!
*Anytime Brad's name is said, yell back, "Asshole!"
*Anytime Janet's name is said, yell back, "Slut!"
*Anytime someone calls Janet a slut, respond back, "Not yet, give her time!"
*Any time Brad says their car is broken down, reply back, "No it's not, you just have a flat tire!"
*"Sweet Transvestite from Transsexual Transylvania"="Goddamn Faggot from SanFranCisco, California"
*"Let's do the Time Warp Again"="Let's do the same shit again"
*"Dammit, Janet, I love you"="Fuck off, bitch, let's go screw"
*During "Eddie's Teddy," (Dr. Scott's song), play along by doing the Hand Jive or by starting a Bunny Hop in the aisles.
Are you a Rocky Horror Virgin?
If you answered yes, meaning that you have never seen the movie in a movie theatre before with a live performing cast, then heed this advice: The best thing you can do is just Go Along With It. Be Cool, relax, and have FUN. if you're afraid of getting singled out, then don't fight it or else you >will< be singled out. Just go along with it, people just want a quick laugh and it's over. No one's going to hurt you.

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