"You're looking a little peaked there, Roga."

This is a personalized autograph on an official script copy
I received from Mr. Russ at a Boy Meets World taping on 2/26/98.
(He even spelled my name correctly.)
Now this is what blows my skirt up!
(Wanna see the larger version?)
Check out a "raving" Review of Renaissance
from a deranged, psycho-babbling restaurant "critic," one of
several trolls that slither unnoticed about the place.
Subscribers to the alt.tv.wiseguy discussion group may be familiar
with the comically transparent and tiresomely monotonous attacks
this soulless, pathetic band of demons wages against Renaissance
and against me personally. Making fools of themselves
with their wasted, demented antics, they prove that lower
forms of life are indeed capable of irrational, jealous rages.
There is a word for creatures such as that: loser.
Pitiful and sorry bunch of losers they are too. Repulsive and despicable.
Thriving on the vicious, ignorant slander of their obvious superiors.
Yes, they know who they are; and, fortunately,
so does most of the sane, competent world now as well.
How unsatisfied they must be with their own little coven-like trash heap
to grovel around my place so worshipfully. In the words of
Mr. Lococco, "It's just my cross to bear."
If you too have trouble with geeky cyberspace harassers
and abusive online stalkers, see this comprehensive list of
to rid yourself of needless trash and crush it under your heels,
as I have successfully done.
Those who lack skill, talent, ability, and inspiration for the higher subtleties of the spirit and mind most often become critics of others who are blessed with it. --Author Unknown |