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Superman's Vital Stats
Real Name: Clark Kent
Kryptonian Name: Kal-El
Height: 6'3''
Weight: 225 lbs.
Date of Birth: February 28 (approximately)
Place of Birth: Conceived on Krypton, Born in Smallville, Kansas, USA
Known Relatives: Jonathan & Martha Kent (adoptive parents), Jor-El & Lara (biological parents, deceased)
Occupation: Reporter for the Daily Planet
Former Occupations: Editor for Newstime Magazine
Marital Status: Married to Lois Lane
Residence: Currently 344 Clinton St. Apt. 3D. Metropolis, USA
First ComicBook appearance: Action Comics #1, June 1938 [Pre-Crisis], Man of Steel #1 (Miniseries) [Post-Crisis] July 1986
Far, far away, on a distant planet named Krypton, a young man named Jor-El had intense fears concerning the destruction of his home planet. In a decision that was destined to change the fate of the Universe, Jor-El decided to send his yet unborn son, Kal-El, to a planet called Earth.
His wife, Lara, was outraged at the idea, but could not put up much of a fight as Krypton was beginning to disintegrate around them. As Jor-El made the final adjustments to the Hyper-drive that would carry Kal to Earth, inside an artificial womb called a Birthing matrix, Jor-El professed his love for Lara. This was an unusual act, because Kryptonians had been for many generations a very logical and unemotional race. They held each other as baby Kal-El's Birthing matrix and Star Drive broke free of Krypton's gravity and headed towards Earth. With an incredible blast, Krypton was no more.
After a rigorous journey through Hyperspace, Kal-El's ship crash-landed on Earth, where he was found by a young couple by the names of Jonathan and Martha Kent. The Kents were suprised, initially, by the presence of a baby in what appeared to be a Spaceship, but took the young child with them. On the way to their home, they named the baby Clark, after Martha's maiden name. As the Kents reached their home the worst blizzard in over a century hit Smallville, the Kents couldn't leave their home for months on end, and thus were able to conceal little Clark and make it seem as if Martha actually had the child naturally.
Clark was an incredible child as he was growing up. He had many companions and friends, including Lana Lang & Peter Ross, he also had a dog named Rusty throughout most of his childhood. He met Lana in pre-school, at about 4 years old. She immediately stated that "I like you Clark Kent, you can be my boyfriend!!" Clark, as a four year old, was revolted.
During his first four years on Earth Clark had not yet developed his Invulnerability, it was at this time that he fell from a tree and broke his arm, it was set and cast by Dr. Whitney, the local doctor. As time went on Clark's exposure to the yellow sun of Earth allowed him to slowly develop powers and abilities far beyond those of mortal men.
By the time he was eight (8) years old, Clark's invulnerability was pretty full blown. It was at this time that Clark took a shortcut through a field to get home after school. Little did he know that there was a rampaging bull in that field. Clark's father, Jonathan, happened to be driving by and saw the bull charging towards Clark. Jonathan cried out to Clark, but could not prevent Clark being trampled by the bull. Jonathan raced towards his son, fully expecting him to be a bloody pulp, but instead found Clark lying on the ground with his clothing in tatters, but not a scratch on him. It was at this point that the Kents began to suspect something was different about their son.
Other incidents that gave evidence to Clark's growing powers include the time when a ball he was playing with rolled under the family truck. Clark nonchalantly lifted the truck and reached for the ball. By the time he was 12 years old, Martha Kent noticed that any Clothing that was skintight on Clark wouldn't get damaged. His powers continued to develop. At some points with enough concentration he was able to see through walls. A the age of 17, while romping around with Rusty, Clark accidentally tripped and found out that he didn't hit the ground, he had started to fly. All these growing powers concerned the Kents, and they constantly admonished Clark not to use his powers to make himself better than others.
Finally, after a high school football championship that Clark won almost single-handedly, Jonathan Kent decided to tell Clark the truth. Jonathan took Clark to the site of the crash-landing and explained that Clark was, in a way, adopted. After this astonishing realization, Clark understood that he had to leave Smallville to try and help his fellow man. He did leave, but not before he shared the secret of his powers with his best friend, Lana Lang.
Not long before his interview with Editor Perry White, Clark was watching an experimental Space-Plane land at the Metropolis airport, as part of the 200th anniversary celebration of Metropolis' founding. Somehow, it has never been determined, a small passenger plane crossed the Space-plane's airspace and collided with it. The two planes started a plummet to the ground that would end in the death of everyone on board. Clark, with no time to think, leaped upward and caught the plane. There was no way to keep people from noticing, so he moved fast enough to be a blur.
As luck would have it, Ace reporter for the DAILY PLANET, Lois Lane was on board, as a civilian attache. As Clark landed the plane in complete safety, Lois jumped out and called to him. They were mesmerized by each other. Soon a mob came at them, trying to invade Clark. Disgusted, Clark leaped into the sky and flew away.
Lois, upon returning to the PLANET, wrote up the story with the headline "MYSTERIOUS SUPERMAN SAVES SPACE-PLANE!". And thus, the name Superman was born.
Not long afterwards, Superman appeared in Metropolis, exciting everyone!
When Superman appeared in Metropolis, Lois Lane figured to get the scoop of the Century, and used some questionable and ingenious means to do it. But after a week on the mysterious Superman's tail, she lost the scoop to a new reporter at the PLANET, Clark Kent.
Lois' loss of the Superman Scoop to Clark initiated a rivalry that was to be the fear of most of the reporters in the city. They knew that when Lois Lane or Clark Kent wanted a story, they usually got it.
Some time in his 28th year, Clark returned to Smallville for a visit to his parents. He was feeling a little distraught as to, exactly, what he was. While there he accidentally triggered an electro-psionic recording that was created by Jor-El and stored in Clark's Birthing Matrix. The recording was to inform him of Krypton and explain what happened. Clark found out that he was the sole survivor of a planet named Krypton. His father, Jor-El, had found out about the impending destruction of the planet and had taken measures to send him, Kal-El, to Earth.
Aside from this, Clark, absorbed the whole history of Krypton, much like a computer download. After this "memory-dump", Clark pondered what he had learned. He had always thought he was a mutant or something, but this explained alot. Now he knew that he had Krypton to thank for his being a Superman, but he felt that he was an American, and that he had Earth to thank for his being human.
Superman's powers
Super-Strength: Clark is arguably the strongest superhero on Earth. His Strength has never been gauged accurately, but he is capable of lifting many thousands of tons.
Flight: Clark has the ability to defy gravity. This has been speculated as sheer force of will, personally, I think Clark extends a psycho-kinetic field that surrounds him.
Invulnerability: His years of exposure to the Yellow Sun of Earth have endowed Clark with a body that is almost indestructable. He has a natural bio-electric aura that surrounds him and protects any clothing that is within a millimetre of his body. This field may be partially responsible for his flight. Clark can also survive in Outer space, he has the ability to survive for about 2-3 hours on a single deep breath. Aside from that he would need a breathing apparatus.
Super-Speed: Clark has the ability to move and react at super-human speeds. His speed has never been gauged accurately, but in his race with the Flash (AOS #463)Professor Emil Hamilton stated that both Superman and Flash were travelling at several times the speed of sound. Using Super-speed and flight, Clark can travel Inter-planetary distances by himself, but Interstellar distance would require a starship or Hyper-Space access (eg. Exile in Space storyline).
Super-Breath: Clark's invulnerability and strength exist internally as well, affecting his skeleton and internal organs. After inhaling deeply he can expel the air in a gale-force wind. This internal invulnerability also lends itself to his being able to survive on a single deep breath for hours at a time.
Vision: Clark's eyes have certain abilities as well. His eyes can detect more than the normal visual spectrum and can even emit some rays.
X-Ray Vision: This has been described as his eyes being naturally sensitive to the x-rays that bombard the earth(S#5). He can focus on anything and can see through it. Everything except lead.
Infra-Red Vision: Clark's eyes can detect the spectrum in Infra-Red as well. This allows him to see in the dark.
Microscopic Vision: Clark's eyes can focus and expand things to the microscopic level. (eg. He can see cell structures).
Telescopic Vision: Can see farther and in further detail than ordinary humans. This has never been gauged.
Heat Vision: This has been described as a release of excess Solar energy and as a Telekinetic agitation of molecules. Normally invisible to the human eye.
Clark has three Major weaknesses. These three are Magic, the using up of his Solar Energy and Kryptonite.
Magic: Clark is vulnerable to Magic. This is found in two forms: Supernatural & Super-scientific. Superman has encountered both in his decades-spanning career. An imp from the Fifth Dimension, Mr. Mxyzptlk, uses Super-science as magic. This affects Clark and everything around him. When Mxyzptlk leaves, the effects of his "magic" go with him.
Supernatural magic also affects Clark, moreso than Super-scientific "magic". An example of this would be the Demoness BLAZE. Her magic almost killed Clark.
Loss of Solar Energy: With an extended foray away from a yellow sun energy source, Clark's powers begin to deplete. With enough time they will vanish completely. Examples of this would be when Clark was in Exile in Space. By the time he got to WarWorld, his powers were severely depleted, because he had been away from a yellow Star for quite some time.
In the Final Night storyline, the Sun had been extinguished. Clark's powers rapidly depleted because he was not receiving constant renewal of Solar energy.
Kryptonite: Kryptonite is a radioactive mineral that was formed over many milennia on Krypton. The original reason was a Nuclear device being exploded a long time ago. The resultant energies, over time, fused certain metals together and formed Kryptonite. It was the radiation from this mineral that was causing the "Green Death" on Krypton.
If Krypton had not exploded, the Kryptonians would still have died due to Radiation poisoning. Kryptonite's effect on Superman has been described as "The solar radiation in your [Superman's] alien cells is being driven out and replaced with the Kryptonite radiation." (S #1, Metallo). Exposure to this mineral is painful to Clark, and with extended exposure is fatal.
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