POD's page
This site is about fractals, optical illusions, Canadian Rockies, Animated Startup Images and links.


I would like to see...
Canadian Rockies Pics
Optical Illusions
Animated Startup Images


The image above the text you are reading is a fractal. If you think that fractals are artistic drawing created by an original artist, you are completely wrong. Fractals are graphics of complex mathematical functions. Behind fractals there is nothing else than mathematics. It is called "fractals" because these drawings are not in first, second or third dimension but in fractional dimension. A fractal can be in dimension 1.333 by example.

If you want to know more about fractals click here.
If you want to see fractals pictures click here.
See my fractal page


Amazing Pictures of Canadian Rockies

You are looking for incredible pictures of the Canadian Rockies ? Look at my pictures of Alberta, Canada. All the pics are approximatively 800 x 600, millions of colors, the resolution is excellent and you should use them as cool wallpapers for Windows 95 or 98.

I want to see thumbnails of theses pictures.

Picture Size Dimensions Description
Banff Spring Hotel 128 Kb 807 x 585 Luxurious hotel situated in Banff, Alberta, Canada.
Lake Louise 116 Kb 830 x 588 The Chateau Lake Louise, a luxurious hotel and the Lake Louise famous for its color.
Marmot Basin, Jasper 79 Kb 785 x 413 Marmot Bassin is the name of this mountain where you can ski in Jasper National Park, Alberta, Canada.
Moraine Lake 134 Kb 859 x 601 A beautiful lake in Alberta, Canada. It was the picture printed on the 20$ (canadian) until they replaced it by a bird.
Peyto Lake 97 Kb 825 x 571 Another beautiful lake that you can find in Alberta, Canada.
Sunset on Calgary 36 Kb 853 x 601 A breath-taking view of Calgary, Alberta.
The Canadian Rockies 83 Kb 795 x 558 The reflected image of mountains on a lake.

I want to see thumbnails of theses pictures.


Optical Illusions

My site include a page about optical illusions. My favorite one is the last one but be sure to respect the instruction or it might not work.

Welcome to the world of optical illusions. Enjoy your visit.


Startup and shutdown images

Are you tired of the same old Windows logo ? You can change it and it's easy ! Here is a 4 steps instruction to change your startup, wait and shutdown screens.

Step 1: Choose any image you want.

Step 2: Save your image in 256 colors with a size of 320 X 400 pixels.

Step 3: Rename your image file as logo.sys if it is a startup image or rename your image file as logow.sys if it is a "wait" image or rename your image file as logos.sys if it is a "shutdown" image.

Step 4: Replace the file logo.sys in you root directory (usually C:) by your new logo.sys to change your startup screen. Replace the file logow.sys and/or logos.sys in you windows directory by your new files to change your wait and/or your shutdown screen. (Advice: backup your original files if you don't want to loose them.)

Click on images to download special moving startup screens. Just rename them (after having unzipped them because it's ZIP files) and put them in the appropriated directory.

(You don't see images moving right now but it will be moving when you will boot or shutdown your computer.)


Cool Links

What? You didn't subscribe to Lockergnome yet! Click and subscribe to the world famous e-zine now. Each day or week you will receive a free e-mail magazine about all the latest programs, sharewares and internet stuff that everyone should have. You have nothing to lose, try it.

Bookmarks are very useful. They permit you to return to web sites without having to type the URL each time. But if you are not in front of your computer, you don't have access to your bookmarks. At Log-Me-On.com, you can have a free and confidential account where you can enter your favorite link to share them with others or to have the posibility to access to your bookmarks from any internet connection.

The Official Star Wars Web Site
Fans of Star Wars will find a lot of informations about Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back, The Return of Jedi and naturally the new movie coming for May 1999, The Phantom Menace, Epidode 1 of Star Wars.

The Easter Egg Archive
What do I mean by "Easter Egg" ? Easter Eggs are jokes voluntary put in softwares by programmers. If you do particular actions in a particular order ( by example ), someting funny will happens. You can have used a software for months without knowing that it contains an Easter Egg. Look at this archive (the best one) and you will certainly find that your softwares contain Easter Eggs.

Turn your PC into a Mac
This web site is for PC users with sense of humor. This site will simulate that your PC has turned into a Mac. Don't be afraid, when you'll left the site, you will get Windows back.

Alta Vista
The popular search engine for internet.


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since January 4, 1998.


You can send me your comments, suggestions or questions. ixupi@geocities.com
Last modified: March 03, 1999.