I recently received some very cool email from Justin Cammy, who was
a castmember of YCDTOTV from 1983-1985. Here's what he had to say
about that kid with whom he used to sip Dairy Queens along with Geoff Darby:
"Some students last year were browsing the web and came across the YCDTOTV
web page which I checked out and found quite interesting. Yesterday,
another student told me to check out the Alasdair page which also was a lot of fun."
"The last time I saw Alasdair was at McGill University in 1993, although he ought
not be too hard to track down. I remember our years together on the set back
in Ottawa with fondness, and still run into students here who say they
were fans and remembered us from way back when. Keep up the good
work, and fill me in if you track him down."
Thanks very much Justin, I certainly will !
out more of what Justin had to say HERE.
Kids, stay tuned for some special YCDTOTV bloopers with Justin
and his old friend "Ottawa Al."

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