Rowan Atkinson as Blackadder
Tony Robinson as Baldrick * Stephen Fry as Lord /General Melchett & Duke of Wellington
Tim McInnerny as Percy, Scarlett Pimpernell & Darling
Hugh Laurie as the Prince Regent & George Colthurst St. Barleigh
Miranda Richardson as Queenie, Amy & Nurse Fletcher Brown
Patsy Byrne as Nursie
Episode Guide
Season One
The Foretelling * Born to be King * The Archbishop * The Queen of Spains Beard
Witchsmeller Pursuivant * The Black Seal
Season Two
Bells * Head * Potato * Money * Beer * Chains
Season Three
Dish & Dishonesty * Ink & Incapability * Nob & Nobility * Sence & Senility
Amy & Amiability * Duel & Duality
Season Four
Captain Cook * Corporal Punishment * Major Star * Private Plane
General Hospital * Goodbyeee
And now for a pendergestatary interludicule
Melchett and his map - desert.wav 82K
Showoff at Ascot - ascot.wav 60K
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