Carl Sjostrom made his on camera acting debut as the Swedish Painter, Lars, in the sitcom pilot "Fade Out Inn" ("still on left"). Canadian born Carl had to fake his accent, which made his comedic performance even funnier, cracking up the other actors and Swedish Director of Photography, Jerry Larsson. Another "star" was born! Carl went on to co-star in the Century Cable mini series, "Wednesday of my Real Life". In one of his more recent and memorable moments, he portrayed the College Professor in "fun with ADD". For the last couple of years, Carl has turned down several interesting roles, preferring to drive a cab. Meanwhile, as Carl is waiting for just the perfect part, he is working on developing a new system software for the largest Taxi Fleet in LA.
Lauren and Hilary, back up singers for music video "Waiting for Wednesday", have left Lee's band and are going out on their own. Rumors have it that Lee thought their performance was a little stiff. The duo are preparing for the release of their single, "Mannequin Heaven", and are planning to tour the dumpsters of Hollywood. Good luck, girls!
What's a film without the "shower scene"? Just another boring movie. Infamous actor, Carl Sjostrom, bravely slips off his underwear to more realistically portray his character, Jake, in "Extra Something...?" Carl quotes, "I have to get right into the character's mind, see what he sees, feel what he feels. Who the (blank) takes a shower with their pants on?" The cast and crew also got to see what he saw.
Merlin Sjostrom, left, prefers to do his own stunts. In "Birthday!",
he actually jumped off the ladder and landed on his feet each
time for the many takes it took for his co star to get her lines
right. "Some actors just have it," he says. "I
have it!" He's looking forward to his cameo role in the upcoming
docudrama "One Legged Ballerina", now in the preplanning
stages. "I've read the script, and can't wait to do the cheese-drops-on-the-head
February 25th, 1998, was a tough working day for Police Dog, Taffy. This recently uncovered news footage from "The Siege on Argyle", shows that even the most dedicated of cops gets a much needed "rest room break" during an emergency hostage situation. Taffy was back on the job in a matter of seconds and sniffed out the escapee in a nearby building, saving the lives of the criminal's wife and child.
Man, Zack, irritated by the noise of the news copter, shot at
the whirly but missed it entirely, killing the roof of a building
instead. "We already had the hostage situation under control",
he was quoted as saying. "The noise just got on my nerves!
A man just can't do what he has to do, and not have his every
move taped! I hope they'll be a little more quiet the next time!"
Officer Zack has been suspended from the force, and has to pay
for the damage to the roof of the building. "It's just a
little hole", he said. The Siege on Argyle lasted three hours.
Our secret camera caught eccentric Hollywood Director working at her "other job", plying her trade as an expensive call girl working at Valentine's, the newest hot spot in town. Although wearing a disguise, we all know who she is. We were wondering how she got the funding for all her "low budget" productions.