Space Angel was the second production to come out of Cambria Studios following the success of Clutch Cargo. The show focussed on the adventures of Scott McCloud (voiced by Ned Lefebver), captain of the spaceship Starduster. His crew include Taurus (voiced by Hal Smith, Otis the drunk, of The Andy Griffith Show), an amiable Celtic-accented mechanic who foreshadowed the character of Scotty on Star Trek and Crystal, an electronics expert (voiced by Margaret Kerry who provided the voices of Spinner and Paddlefoot for Clutch Cargo).For 25 years of my life I forgot that this cartoon even existed, then in 1988 at a Comic Book/Animation convention I had the pleasure of seeing Space Angel again. I sat in in drop-jawed amazement as I sucked in the irony of the almost non-existant animation combined with beautiful Alex Toth outer space illustrations. Aside from the patented Synchro-Vox lips, the only movement came when an evil space alien was shot by Space Angel and he fell to the ground thanks to a cameraman yanking the drawing out of the frame.
© 1997