Clutch Cargo Jr.'s CARTOON-O-RAMA!!!
Featuring The Weird Oddball Cartoons Of Yesteryear!
Visit my other Cartoon Site:
Clutch Cargo Jr's CARTOON-O-RAMA Junior for more CARTOON FUN or visit one of our GeoCities pages from the Table Of Contents below!
THE RANKIN/BASS PAGE! - The proud creators of classic holiday specials like "Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer" and "Santa Claus Is Coming To Town," as well as popular Saturday morning shows like "King Kong" and "The Jackson 5ive Show!"
THE MIGHTY HERCULES! - "Hercules, hero of ancient glory, Hercules, hero of song and story...!!!"
THE MIGHTY HEROES! - Ralph Bakshi's popular super-hero spoof!
THE MILTON THE MONSTER SHOW! - He looked like Frankenstein, but sounded like Gomer Pyle!
SPACE ANGEL! - Exciting space opera from the creators of "Clutch Cargo!"
SPIN-OFF CARTOONS! - "The Partridge Family" in outer space?!? "Laverne & Shirley" in the Army?!? What's going on here?
Links to other sites on the Web
TOON TRACKERS - Lots & Lots of great pics and info on great cartoons like Beany & Cecil, Hoppity Hooper, and CLUTCH CARGO!!! (Special thanks for supplying me with many of the pics here in Cartoon-O-Rama)!
JAHLA'S CARTOON THEME PAGE - Another great GeoCities cartoon page featuring Prince Planet, Topcat, Cool McCool, and more (Jahla is the cool guy who gave us our Cool McCool sound files)!
HANNA-BARBERA According To Wingnut
Updated April 5, 1999
© 1997 paulec1@aol.com
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