Calvero's Homepage of Stuff !

or How I stopped Worrying and Learned to Love the Internet

HI! This is my new homepage! I am glad to see that you decided to drop in and see it :). This will contain a little of what is on my other bigger and better homepage. I will begin by giving you my introduction...

My introduction and my favorite film comedians...

First off, I'm (almost) 24, and have been a huge fan of old comedy movies, particularly Charlie Chaplin, Buster Keaton, Harold Lloyd, Harry Langdon, Laurel & Hardy, Marx Brothers, Abbott & Costello, and Martin & Lewis. My main interest is Chaplin, who I love (check out the newgroup alt.movies.chaplin), and where I got my nickname of Calvero, which comes from one of his later movies "Limelight". I'm also a big fan of the Smothers Brothers who are actually responsible for my interest in the classic comedains of yesteryear.

My love for the circus...

I'm also a BIG circus fan. I joined a small circus, Hendricks Brothers Circus, in the summer of 1996. It was my first exposure to circus life ever. I got into it through a very good friend of mine, Poindexter The Clown (also known as Doug...HEY DOUG!!! :) )). It was a great experiance and I loved every minute of it :) ! I did serveral things for the show: worked in the office, was a ticket taker, facepainter, was on trash detail (what fun THAT was...hahaha), and did a few other miscelaneous things, including being a clown for our last show :). I hope to join another circus sometime in the future...possibly Clyde Beatty-Cole Brothers Circus, since I live in a neiboring town. And if you are going to be in Ireland sometime this year, go and see Poindexter at Circus Duffy. Tell him that Calvero sent ya :).

Do you have a cleft lip or cleft palate?

One of my other interests is talking to others who have, or knows someone who has, a cleft lip and/or cleft palate (they are two types of "deformities" of the face). I have both and I would like to hear from others...hint hint :). So e-mail me if me if you have it, knows someone who has one, or who would like to find out more.

It's quite Elementary...

The stories of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson have been another one of my big interests since the Holmes 1987 centenial. My first real introduction to him started in English class when my class was reading "Hound of the Baskervilles" and we watched the movie version starring Basil Rathbone and Nigel Bruce. And ever since then I have enjoyed reading and watching the stories, especailly the wonderful Granada series starring the late great Jeremy Brett as Holmes and David Burke (and later Edward Hardwicke) as Dr. Watson.

Oh Good Grief!

Charlie Brown, Snoopy, and the rest of the Charles Schultz's Peanuts gang has been a part of me since childhood. Although I got away from it for awhile, I got back into the swing. Although my collection isn't as big as it was when I was a kid, my love for the gang has always remained and I always try to catch the TV specials when they come on.

What ho!

A couple years ago I happened to catch Jeeves and Wooster on Masterpiece Theatre and ever since then I have been reading about P.G. Wodehouse's famous literary duo. I have dabbled in his other characters, but Jeeves and Wooster have remained my favorites :).

Rosie O!

A couple weeks after I returned from the circus, I watched part of Rosie O'Donnell's talk show and since then I try to watch it everyday :). I have a lot of fun watching her intereacting with the audience, her guests, and John (who I think of as the 90s version of Carson's sidekick since he seems to laugh at anything :)...Go John!

So if you have any if the same interests as me, E-MAIL ME !! :)

Links to other sites on the Web

My Angelfire homepage!! :)
Firefly -- hard to describe but a lot of fun and free !!
Deja News -- a great place to read and post in Usenet, especailly if you don't have a news server
A&E's Biography webpage
American Movie Classics webpage
Infinite Space Online webpage -- a BBS based in Orlando, Florida that I like to hang out in

This is my main homepage:RIGHT HERE!

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