The unofficial

"Everything is possible here in
In the Iliad there are descriptions of
some artificial girls, built with gold, that helped the Greek's blacksmith god
Hefestos in his duties.
old Jewish legend mentions the "Golems", clay figures that came to
life when the holy name of God was mentioned.
1921, for the first time Karel Kapec, a writer, introduced in his play
"R.U.R" the word "robot", word that in his language means
in 1771 the Italian anatomist Luigi Galvani experimented on frog's leg's
muscles and discovered that an electric current could contract those dead
muscles as if they were alive again.
Then started the research on the possibility that electricity could bring life
back or create it.
In 1818 a new book was published: "Frankenstein or the new
Prometheus", the story of a scientist that hoped to create a new race of
living beings by galvanizing(electrifying)organic dead tissues.
We all now today the result: The terrifying creature obtained that way,
abandoned by it's creator, takes a bloody revenge on him.
best known words to designate artificial human beings are, above anyone else, Robot
and Android. The first one is the metal-made human being. The second
one, the one made with organic substances that looks like flesh and blood (or
is it).
is the story of an unhappy android (like Frankenstein's monster) created
following the newest life generation methods.
name is CYBERSIX, she's a very beautiful woman, and her father is looking her
to finish the life he gave her...
. (Taken from "The book of the beast")
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