Sound Page

Here is a list of some of my favorite sounds. Almost all of these sounds have the original file names.


Ace Ventura

  1. Ace Ventura1 "Excuse me, I'd like to ass you a few questions".
  2. Ace Ventura2 "Do NOT go in there!"
  3. Ace Ventura3 "Bye bye then!"
  4. Ace Ventura4 "If I'm not back in five minutes, just wait longer"
  5. Ace Ventura5 (Courtney Cox)"If you do anything to embarrass me in front of Camp" (Ace) " this? (many stange sounds, then Cox hits him) "Hi captain Stubbing, how are Gopher and Doc. Permission to come aboard sir?"
  6. Ace Ventura6 "By the way..... do you have a mint? Perhaps some Binaca?"
  7. Ace Ventura7 "Take care now, bye bye then."
  8. Ace Ventura8 "Hey, maybe I'll give you a call some time. Your number still 911? Allllllll righty then!"
  9. Ace Ventura9 "351.....351....rover, zip, hut, hut!"
  10. Ace Ventura10 "Yes satan?"


  1. Airplane1 "Surely you can't be serious. I am serious, and don't call me Shirley."
  2. Airplane2 "We have clearance Clarence. Roger, Roger. What's our vector Victor?"
  3. Airplane3 "You ever seen a grown man naked?"
  4. Airplane4 "Joey, have you ever been in a Turkish prison?"

Indiana Jones

  1. Jones1 "The entire place is crawling with living things. Thats why they call it the jungle sweetheart."
  2. Jones2 "Oh yeah! And who's going to come and save you junior? I told you (gun fire) don't call me junior!"
  3. Jones3 "Snakes. Why did it have to be snakes."
  4. Jones4 Small clip of the Indiana Jones theme.
  5. Jones5 "He chose...poorly."
  6. Jones6 "Whats this one? The Ark of the Covenant. Are you sure? Pretty sure."
  7. Jones6 "I suddenly remembered my Charlemagne. Let my armies be the rocks and the trees, and the birds in the sky."
  8. Jones7 "Forget any ideas you have about lost cities. (Indy is talking to his class. He ends with...) and X never, ever marks the spot."
  9. Jones8 "X marks the spot!"
  10. Jones9 "Oh rats!"
  11. Jones10 "Dad? What?! Dad?? What?! Dad?? What!!? Head for the fireplace!"
  12. Jones11 "Our situation has not improved."
  13. Jones12 "I can get it. I can almost reach it, Dad. Indiana...Indiana...let it go."
  14. Jones14 "Meet me at Omar. I'm going after that truck. How? I don't know, I'm making this up as I go along."


  1. Seinfeld1 George's answering machine message, pretty funny
  2. Seinfeld2 "I could drop you like a bag of dirt."
  3. Seinfeld3 "I had a dream last night that a hamburger was eating me!"
  4. Seinfeld4 "Hello Newman."
  5. Seinfeld5 Seinfeld theme
  6. Seinfeld6 Another hello Newman
  7. Seinfeld7 "Get out!"

Star Wars

  1. Star Wars1 Sound of a blaster
  2. Star Wars2 Clip from empire theme
  3. Star Wars3 "Great shot kid, that was one in a million!"
  4. Star Wars4 "Luke, we're going to have company!"
  5. Star Wars5 "He is here."
  6. Star Wars6 "You should not have come back."
  7. Star Wars7 "The guns, they've stopped."
  8. Star Wars8 R2D2 sound
  9. Star Wars9 Sound of a tie fighter
  10. Star Wars10 "There's no mystical energy field controls my destiny."
  11. Star Wars11 "You're all clear kid now let's blow this thing and go home!"
  12. Star Wars12 "I don't know what you're talking about."
  13. Star Wars13 "Look at this."

Phantom Menace

  1. Phantom1 "Always two there are. A master, and an apprentice."
  2. Phantom2 "I was not elected to watch my people suffer and die while you discuss this invasion in a committee!"
  3. Phantom3 "They will never get ME onto one of those dreadful starships."
  4. Phantom4 "The federation has gone too far."
  5. Phantom5 "I will not condone a course of action that will lead us to war."
  6. Phantom6 "I will sign no treaty Senator."
  7. Phantom7 "You say people gonna die?"
  8. Phantom8 "I can only protect you. I can't fight a war for you."
  9. Phantom9 "At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi. At last we will have revenge."
  10. Phantom10 "Once those droids take control of the surface they will take control of you."

Misc. Sounds

  1. Misc. Sound1 "... I demand the cone of silence."
  2. Misc. Sound2 "You're not playing with a full deck are you?"
  3. Misc. Sound3 "I'm very pissed off, very PISSED OFF!"
  4. Misc. Sound4 "1-800-bite me"
  5. Misc. Sound5 "Elvis... has left the building."
  6. Misc. Sound6 "Imus in the morning!"
  7. Misc. Sound7 "Thats one small step for man: one giant leap for mankind."
  8. Misc. Sound8 "Ready Ike? Kick the baby. Don't kick the baby. Kick the baby!"
  9. Misc. Sound9 "Shut up fat boy! I'm not fat, I'm festivly plump."
  10. Misc. Sound10 "Be one of the few, the proud, the Marines."
  11. Misc. Sound11 Barney from the Simpsons burping.
  12. Misc. Sound12 "You don't have bad luck. The reason bad things happen to you is because you're a dumbass"
  13. Misc. Sound13 The Bud frogs
  14. Misc. Sound14 "How's your bud ice, du be du be du..."
  15. Misc. Sound15 "This could very well be the stupidest person on the face of the earth"
  16. Misc. Sound16 "Kiss my hairy yellow butt."
  17. Misc. Sound17 "Somebody aught to get their ass kicked for this mess, thats for sure."
  18. Misc. Sound18 "Hello, huh, huh."
  19. Misc. Sound19 "I made it, you eat it."
  20. Misc. Sound20 "Jackass!"
  21. Misc. Sound21 "Plop, plop, fizz, fizz, oh what a relief it is."
  22. Misc. Sound22 "The trade mark of stupidity."

Misc. Movie Sounds

  1. Misc. Movie Sound1 "Excuse me while I whip this out."
  2. Misc. Movie Sound2 "Isn't that right, Mr. Poopy pants!?"
  3. Misc. Movie Sound3 "Look's like somebodys been down here with the ugly stick."
  4. Misc. Movie Sound4 "I have been stabbed, shot, poisoned, frozen, hung, electrocuted and burned."
  5. Misc. Movie Sound5 "(Introductions)...and together we're the three amigos!"
  6. Misc. Movie Sound6 "Get off my plane!"
  7. Misc. Movie Sound7 "Houston, we have a problem."
  8. Misc. Movie Sound8 "You've got to ask yourself one question, do I feel lucky. Well, do you punk?"
  9. Misc. Movie Sound9 "You want answers? I think I'm entitled. You want answers!? I want the truth! You can't handle the truth!!"
  10. Misc. Movie Sound10 "What are you doing? I'm thinking. Well think me up a cup of coffee and a chocolate doughnut with some of those little sprinkles on top will you?"
  11. Misc. Movie Sound11 "Goooood morning Vietnam!!"
  12. Misc. Movie Sound12 "Hey Phil if we wanted to hit mailboxes we could let Ralph drive."
  13. Misc. Movie Sound13 "One ping only." (Ping)
  14. Misc. Movie Sound14 "Hold on to your butts."
  15. Misc. Movie Sound15 "Do not attempt to grow a brain."
  16. Misc. Movie Sound16 "It's 106 miles to Chicago, we got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark and we're wearing sun glasses. Hit it."
  17. Misc. Movie Sound17 "Show me the money."
  18. Misc. Movie Sound18 "Sir you can't go in there! It's ok, I'm a limo driver!" (Music then THUD!)
  19. Misc. Movie Sound19 "Hello. My name's Forest, Forest Gump."
  20. Misc. Movie Sound20 "I hate Illinois Nazi's."
  21. Misc. Movie Sound21 "Gentlemen, it has been a privilege flying with you."
  22. Misc. Movie Sound22 "Use of unnecessary violence in the apprehension of the blues brothers has been approved."

I did not make any of these, I found them all on the Internet. A lot of them I found from and

Main Page

I have many more sounds. Some categories have sounds that I have not uploaded. I can get specific sounds because I have the equipment to record directly from my tv. If you would like a specific sound, tell me and I will try to find it for you.
Email me with sound suggestions or requests Peter Robson

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