My Opinions (which don't count for much so don't get mad.)

Chris is definitely my favorite. I love that he has his own little funky style, and he doesn't' care what anyone else thinks. And this guy is hilarious!! Never a dull moment. I love his dreads, I was so upset when he took 'em out, thankfully it didn't last for long.

Joey is next. I love his new hair....the bright red. It's wacky and very cute. He seems really friendly, and he has a great smile. This guy doesn't get to sing enough! He has a great voice and doesn't get to use it nearly enough.

Next comes JC. I love his dedication and hard work. Everyone says he's boring, I don't think so. I share his passion for sleeping. He has great eyes, and always has something intuitive to say. And this boy can sing! He has a beautiful voice...I think he should have more leads than Justin.

Speaking of Justin, he's next. Now, this guy is very cute, and man can he dance!! But he gets all the attention, and just soaks it up! Now, don't get me wrong, I like Justin and all, but it seems like he always has to talk and be in front of the camera....there's four other guys in the group buddy...sit down!

Lance is last. I love NSync, and Lance is apart of that, but for some reason I don't see what is so appealing about him. Don't get mad, this is just my opinion. It looks like he is concentrating so hard when he is dancing. He has a great voice, but he just never really has anything good to say. That's all for now!

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