

Yes, yes, yes here we go! J.C. has got to go! - Chris said this at the Chattanooga, TN concert.

If I were a Spice Girl, I'd be Taco Spice or Refried Bean Spice.

Yes I’m a master Thespian..But I still like girls!!

I don’t think any of us are cooks...but I make a mean pop tart!

Know what? We Riverdance for real. Come on guys. That wasn’t tapsync!

Everyone visits the can.

Wait did I tell you I have a puppy dog?...I didn’t get time to talk about my puppy dog Busta. He’s the cutest little dog in the world. Little pup, I miss you puppy!

We’d like to give a special shoutout to Johnny Wright, our manager. Who...He’s, like, the man. He yells at us every time we do something wrong and...thanks a lot!

We were like the geeky redheaded stepchild over in the corner that no one wanted to go see perform!

He’s got a neelaphobia...needleaphobia. How do you say that? He’s even scared of, like, real pointy pencils!

What does that mean? Your underwear are camouflage? Or there’s brown and green stains?

This is me at work..hello Chris at work

Entertainment Asylum...sounds like a place that I’ve been committed to!

(talking about Joey) This is all about chicks for him. I’m going to say it right now. This is all about chicks. He doesn’t even like music, come to think about it. He doesn’t like dancing either. This is all about chicks.

And there is drool! And there is drool, there is drool on the paper!

(Barbra Walters on Chris’ Hair) Chris is the one with the striped hair?

Oh that’s my hair man! That’s au naturale. I was born with dreads. I was born with a weave!

We have a song that's going on the "Sabrina The Teenage Witch" album called "Giddy Up". So check that out and check out Sabrina The Teenage Witch

They don't understand what we're sayin' (about Europe)

No, but it comes back out (when asked if he is ever too nervous to eat)

It's very freaky, everywhere, these people are just, like, tons of people and it's, like, crazy.

We get some pretty interesting videos!

See, in Orlando we have trees that grow basketballs

Have I showed you my car? It's a Budget, have you seen those yet? It's a '98 Budget

You have to have form too. You have to stick your butt out

We're in the sink!

Oh Jeez!

Happy Birthday, Cher. This was so much fun we'd almost do it for free. (to Joey) I said almost, right? (from Clueless)

There a storm comin', it's called El Ninya, y'all better get in.

Joey's a chicken magnetic. In Europe, they didn't understand what a chick magnet was, so they kept callin' him the 'chicken magnetic.' Beg-gawk!- on Joey's macking

That hurts my butt.

If my girlfriend were older than me I think she'd be dead.

Here we go, one more time, Here we go, one more time, Here we go, one more time, He - ow!

My mom would say, 'Whoops'.

I don't really have any wild fantasies, I don't think. I just, I don't know. I like beaches. I like, you know, surfing and going to the ocean, stuff like that.

I like a girl who can play ball, shoot some hoop. Wears a ball cap, likes baseball, likes football, likes to party.

Stop smoking cigars. (about Clinton)

I was a serious kid. No, I was a troublemaker. I was rambunctious. I was really hyper...

My feet are so small. I wear a 7 and 1/2. Sad, isn't it?

He's a lonely guy. (joking around with JC)

Lance is irreplacible. He's albino.

We were at the airport and my leg fell asleep. When I went to get up and take a step, my leg wouldn't go, so, i fell right there in the middle of the airport.

I smile all the time now! (on getting his braces off)

Lance likes Tazmanian devils. I like large bills.

This is the time of our lives. We're just having fun. This is the best thing that could have happened to us.

I'm definitely romantic, but I haven't had a steady girlfriend for two years.

I drive my Nikes.

I failed [math] several times. I took algebra my freshman year and failed it... Then my junior year, I took Algebra II and failed that.

It was quite complicated. You'd need a map to show exactly how we came together.

A lot of people come up and want to be your friend just because you have a name. You feel like saying, 'If I weren't in a group, you wouldn't even be talking to me.' It makes you really weary.

If my girlfriend were taller than me, I'd have to wear heels.

And I suppose you don't smell either.

He designed that? I'm gonna hit him in his head!

I'm in love with an alien.

The weird thing about JC is... well, say we're driving somewhere and we see a pretty girl. The four of us will go, 'Wow! Check out that girl!'... Five minutes later, JC will go, 'Wow! Check out that dog! I wonder what kind it is?' He's nuts about dogs.

- (On Lance) He's albino. Quit lying, he's a Mississippian albino. They're very rare in this part of the country.

If we had auditioned everyone I don't think Joey would have made it.

Three things I'd bring on a deserted Island? I'd bring my skates, a coke machine and the Spice Girls.

Our next outfits are gonna have the buns cut outta them.

I think we're all equally funny-I just come out of the box the fastest.

You see here in Orlando, we have trees that grow basketballs.

(Talking about his hair) Yeah me and my grandma got in to a bad knitting accident.

(A girl asks if Justin has a girlfriends and Chris says) Yeah Justins got a girlfriend, His girlfriend is Lance.

When we're out shopping and we see a cool baby blue shirt were like 'oh man can't touch it, it's Justins'.



I'm actually dating Britney, uh, we've been together now for about 7 years

We, uh, been collaborating with different producers. We actually worked with Ginuwine, actually, yesterday. That's been going real well. We actually did our second European album, which is gonna be out in a couple of months. We're gonna be collaborating with more producers.

Yaay I am loved!

What qualities are sexy? The way a woman smiles, the way her eyes look, certain ways. Or even the color of her eyes. Somethin' that brings a personality out. That's kind of sexy.

One time Lance was sleeping and I put whipped cream on his head. He wasn't too happy, but it was funny.

He's trying to catch flies. (on why Justin always sticks out his tongue)

It's all happening so quick.

When I was little, I had a finch named Finchy. How easy was that? I was 8 or 9 at the time.

Being romantic doesn't come easy!

People always go on about our age differences, but we're all on the same level really.

My stuff is never in a mess. I'm a neat person.

I have big nostrils because when I was younger, I used to pick my nose.

Justin is already the tallest AND he's still growing! If that keeps up, he's going to look really strange!!!

(In a sing-song voice) Yeah ,yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm gonna pee my pants!

We're five best friends and we act like that.... some of us live together- we eat, breathe, work and do everything together.

(on starring as Superman in a movie) They should get me! I could do it! I just need to work out! Or put muscles in Superman's vest like Batman!

Whatever you do... I do, too... I think... I just don't play hopscotch

My wildest fantasy is a big pool of jello…that's all I'm saying…you know, hang out with a bunch of people in a pool of jello.

We're single and ready to mingle.

You see, JC matures too quickly. He peaked at the age of 15, and he's going downhill slowly. All he wants to do now is sleep!

(Playing basketball) I don't play like a girl, I just can't play!

I stay up as late as I can, so when I get on the flight, I just pass out.


I cant read. Im still growing up

Joey bougt this jacket that looks like a hydrogen peroxide Chewbacca

Don't take all of it genius! We're killing our brain cells!

It's fate, man! We gotta use this name!

I only dog paddle.

Well, the woman of my dreams wouldn't be a smoker so I couldn't answer that question.

I have a dream. And I wanna set the pick. I wanna give the alley oop. I wanna be in the NBA.

I like who I am. I'm confident with myself.

Why, why is it for me since it's so sentimental?

Aw-haw group hug!

I think I can speak for all of us when I say that we're living out one of our wildest fantasies right now. You know, being on stage, doing this, being 'N Sync. You know, this has always been one of our wildest fantasies and now we're getting to do it.

I think um, if a girl's confident yet innocent, she is very sexy.

Time for America to get 'N SYNC!

No, we're single and ready to mingle. Right Joey?

This is our first trip to MTV News and we're not gonna mess it up.

Man, I thought we had 'em. I thought we was you know, on the run. But, Damon Stoudamire dem quick hands just came wid it. Couldn't stop him man!I know Jason and Keenan junior all ova dere, knockin' on ma haircut but, that's aight cuz, you know, I still love 'em.

Don't spend $40 million just to find out he did it!" (Clinton)

You stole my answer. Um, I like AJ. He's a cutie. (fav. BSB member)

Are we using body parts? I was gonna say confidence." (fav. sexual turn-on)

JC is a little too picky man. Lance is. Lance is just lookin' for somebody to talk to. (1st to get married)

That was my 15-year-old sex scene. Um, there was originally a girl there but they took her out because they thought it was a little too provocative. And you know, with all that computer animation stuff they can do all that.

You know, I woke up to 'Tearin' Up My Heart' this morning! The alarm came on and I hear [sings] 'I'm with you...' I was like ahhhh!

He's a sap. (talking about JC)

I do something embarrassing every day.

Lance's hat is happy to be here. (on TRL making fun of Lance sticking his Santa hat straight up)

Pretty is cool, but it's not really about looks for me. It's more about personality... good sense of humor, humble, and sensitive.

Men can actually be 'softer' emotionally than women!

Sometimes we get on each others nerves, though. We argue about hairstyles, clothing, who gets to talk to a girl first--Joey always wins that one. He's defintiely the flirt of the band.

What's up wit dat y'all??

She was talkin' 'bout my man's dreads!

Let's get this crunk!

On the Regis and Kathie Lee Show: Justin: "I just want to sit down!" Some girl in the audience: "Justin! You can sit on my lap!" Justin: "Excuse me?! I don't know you!"

I'm cookie and JC is my sidekick Sprinkles

Hey I don't got no one to dance with!

In New York people always have something to do. They don't wanna be nice to you.

When asked his perfect type of girl: Janet Jackson, no ok I can't say that one. Sensitive, sense of humor and has to be able to have fun.

Smoother than butta, baby.

Talking about Joey's Basketball Skills: Aw c'mon, he plays like a girl.

I'm getting jiggy wid it, baby.

I'm money!

(Talking about his car) Yes, I have a Mercedes.

Talking about his car: See, they pickin' on me, but who do you think they call if they need a ride?

Talking about his car: Don't you be tryin' to get my liscense plate on camera, or I'll have to kill ya!

When asked his middle name: It's Danger!! No it's Randall

Sorry for the delay everyone but some fan just ran backstage and stole all our clothes and we were standing there BUCK NAKED!

When I'm in public 90 % of the time I'm wearing baby blue.


I wanna be the chair man, I'm talkin' to you girl! Make me the chair man! (to Janet Jackson)

Have you ever skinny-dipped? No, no, no I've never skinnydipped.

Sit down bubba! Nooooo!

I just like to sleep a lot. And that's it. I don't know. We don't have time for fantasies anyway I guess.

I think somebody who is confident is sexy, period. I think confidence is very sexy.

Well there's some bad pineapple goin' around! Be careful cuz, No everybody's havin' a great time.

My crystal ball said, you know change your number.

She's makin' demands! My God!

I think, you know what I think? I think we might win out of sympathy. People will be feelin' bad for the little guys on the court with just no basketball talent.

Probably Brian. ( fav. BSB member)

Lips. (fav. sexual turn-on)

Uh.....I'm a gentleman. (asked if he's a virgin)

I'm thinking, 'Don't screw up'.

I just like the fact that I'm skinny, because I can wear a lot of clothes. I can wear anything.

I'll holler to y'all lata, PEACE!

I'm just the serious one.

A bag of fleas is easier to control than our dear Chris!

Spending big bucks is not the way to impress a girl.

An interviewer asked me if I thought I was sexy. Actually, I don't give it much thought. Really I don't!

'I Want You Back' is about finding yourself sunddenly seperated from the person you love because you've done something stupid. I think it hits people because they relate to it. It's a love song, but it's up tempo enough to kick them too

We're not frontin' with anyone.

Have respect for everyone!

For the girl who eats everything I bring you fudge. Cookies and stuff.

The Backstreet Boys are great! We're pretty good friends with those guys.

Lance is all business, Chris is crazy, Joey's a flirt and Justin's a real well rounded guy

Everyone thinks I like to sleep. It's not that I like to sleep, it's that I don't like to get up. There's a difference

Joey comes and eats all our food anyway. Scrub!

I'm a pretty heavy sleeper. I fell asleep on the plane and we landed and everything and I didn't know it. Lance had to smack me on the back of the head and go 'Dude, the plane is empty. You're the last one.' I said Oh my goodness.

Joey's Mr. Popular.

These pros man, they're taking advantage of us musicians. Keep your hands up Lance! (talking about the charity basketball game)

Everyone has their own little job and my job is to... is... well.. I really don't know.

We get underwear thrown at us on stage man! It's crazy out there!

(talking about Chris's Hair) "What kind of boy next door do you know that has hair like this?"(picks up an extention)

(Talking about reasons they fight) The only fights we have are little things like- Man Your stuff's all up in my bunk.


I just like the letters P-M-S!

Is that where they make Thousand Island?

No you haven’t changed, ‘cause you’re a loser! (To JC)

Basketball is a hard thing to do!

Everything we do is always together and that's what I think makes our group so unique

Oh, we have so much fun on the road. We're all like brothers so, I mean, uh, everyday is a different adventure. Everyday is so different that, I mean, we're just enjoying it so much! Like you said we're all over the country, we're in different countries and, uh, it's just great! Lots of girls screaming...FUN!

I'm dating Britney and 2 of her dancers!

Giddy up, giddy up, giddy up now. It's not about horses. I promise, this song is not about horses.

Whoa, my goodness that really hurts.

Alright it's um, you know what a pecan is? It's a nut in a shell. Ok it's a pecan and butter is, butter but it's, it's sweet. I don't - never mind, chocolate chip. (on fav. cookie)

This is for Reebok or Nike or Puma or Adidas or whoever wants to give us some shoes.

Hey that's not funny. I think they're very cute feet.(Talking about Chris)

This one's an 11. The most important, I wear an 11. Lemme repeat, an 11.

I kinda like beaches too but you stole it from me. Baby Spice. (fav. BSB member)

Stomach. (fav. sexual turn-on)

I always wanted to be an astronaut.

We don't do, like, just set things and be, like, 'Okay. This is what we're gonna do next'.

I say 'um' a lot.

I'm old fashioned because I'm from Mississippi.

I used to have a dog, but I had to get rid of him because we travel so much. I couldn't take care of him.

I was skydiving one and I hit a bird.

We're called *N Sync because we're in synch. We're always synchronized and together with our dancing and harmonies.

...build a skate park, then invite Hanson round for a skate party! (on what he would do if he ruled the world )

We're just different!

I like my hair all messy and stuff.

I got detention for being late because I'm late to everything.

I was the worst dancer when I joined the group!

Justin and I relate the most because we're almost the same age and we come from similar backgrounds.

The worst feeling in the world is waking up in the morning.

I can't bear looking in the mirror-I guess that's why my hair looks like this.

(Talking about Poofoo) Let's not get into that.

(To JC) No you haven't changed, cuz you're a loser.

Shake your butt.

Basketball is a hard thing to do.

On tours, we always hackey sack before a show. We have to delay the show sometimes because we aren't very good. We'll have to come up with some new rituals.

I started liking music in ninth grade, but I thought, there's no way I'll ever have a chance

I'm not singing the song. (on the poo foo song)

Poo Foo, Poo Foo where are you? Please come out and play.

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