ReMeMber WhEn aDesTe FoRGot AbouT us!! wE Had To wALk To GeE GEE’s hOuSe!

ReMeMber WhEn MaAnNe TrIpPed oN Da CoRd WhiLE WALking To gEE geE’s HoUse.

ReMeMber WhEn We WenT To BuY McDoNalDs but It WaS Still bREAkfASt..We Had To Wait 20 miNutES.

ReMeMber WhEn Liz Was gOing cucKoO..aSkIng EvERyBoDY’s BrA siZe…Cohz She Was HuNgrY!!

ReMeMber WhEn MAaNNe And JAcKie WouLd ALwayS FiGht!! SiSTer... SisTER!!

ReMeMber WhEn GeE Gee And MaAnNe WouLd ALwAys Get SoAKed When We WenT to ThE Beach!!

ReMeMber WhEn Liz Got Her ShoeS WeT..When We Was Taking A PicTure…And StArTs CryIng!!(dRAmA QuEEn!!)hehe

ReMeMber WhEn GeE gEE FeLL WHiLe CaTchIng The FLAgs!!

ReMeMber WhEn LIZ And KIT ThrEw The FLAg on ToP Of tHe CaFeTeRIa THaNg..AnD Liz goT StUCk BeTWeEn The BaRs!!

ReMeMber WhEn JaNeLLe wOuld AlWaYs TuRn reD!! EvERYdAy!!!!!!!

ReMeMber WhEn KaTiE Was PlayiNg Pusoy DoS..And She ThoUGht Dat She Won THE GAMe…..YEaHHHHHHHH!!!! Wid The 2 of Hearts!!

ReMeMber WhEn Liz FoRGoT to Pick UP aIrA!! “Oh mY God I FOrgOT aiRA, I’m CoMiNg AirA!!”

ReMeMber WhEn JaNeLLe LosT LiZ When WE wuHZ going To the BEACh!! We StuCk tHe Flag oUT thE WIndOw..aNd Liz POpPed Out Of NO wHERE!

ReMeMber WhEn Kit FeLL While CaTcHIng KaTie’s ToSs!!

ReMeMber WhEn WE weRE dOing Hold Out And WE hAD to HoLd onE moRE Song..Every BoDY Was SIngiNg.. “ You arE, My FiRE.. The One DeSiRE!”

ReMeMber WhEn MAaNNe feLL..and She CouLdn’t Get Up.. When Da BiG WaVe Was CoMinG!!whooOOshHh!

ReMeMber WhEn We wEnT to TaKe tHe PiC aT “STAR SHOTS”…aNd it TuRnEd BoOYaNk!!

ReMeMbeR WhEn We SaW KaRLa At ThE BeAch AnD JaCkIe wAntEd To ThRoW saNd oN HeR FAcE!

ReMeMbeR WhEn We TaUghT KaTie HoW to SaY “RiGHt DeRE, ObEr DERe…Mph!” PucKeR ThEm LiPs KaTie!!!!

ReMemBeR WhEN JaCkiE CoULdn’T Do ThE BodY RoLL foR ThE SkiT!

ReMeMber WhEn Liz KePt StoPping the mUsic And It was REcoRding ..dEn kATie haD to Block The raDio to KEeP Liz FrOm StoPPin It!

ReMeMBer WheN MaAnNe HiT Her foOT Wid Her FlAg ANd She haD To CrAwL To Da PlanTER So ShE DOeSnt GeT in Da wAY! OUCH!

"RemEmbER WHeN aDesTE viSiteD uS aT prActicE anD goT KETCHUP stAinS oN hiS bAck PacK"

"ReMeMbEr whEn jAcKIe tOSsEd tHE fLAg AND iT tWirlEd ROunD aND RouNd lIke a FooTbAlL" "ReMeMbeR whEn JAcKiE hIt mAaNne AnD jAnElLe yEllEd "ITs blEedING iNsiDe hEr EYeS"

"REMEmbEr whEn JaNeLLe TosSed tHE fLAg ANd HiT a HoOD"

"ReMEmbER whEn jAcKiE TrIEd ReaLLy HArd To fLARe HEr nOStrilS buT coULDnT"

"ReMEmbEr whEn gIrLiE cAuGht a RiPpeD flAg aND sAId...OH I KNOW WHO's FLAG ThIS IS!"

"RemEMbEr WhEn KatIe wAs AfrAiD To SAy gOOdbYe To liZ afTer cAMp BecAUse she thOUghT Liz wAs Mad AnD woUld qUIt"

"REmEmBeR whEn KaTiE aND JAnElLE wEre dAncIng sUch LIkE a LocO lOcO duRiNG thE skIt cuZ dEy THoUghT TheY weRe sUPpOsed To dAncE sToOPid"

"REmEmBeR whEn Vince moved The chair up cuhz he thought that it was a two door and MaAnne YankEd him out and vince still refuses and tries to go inside the car!! We BusTIng out lauGhing on our Way home!..muahhahahahhahhaha!"

"ReMembEr whEN AdeSte gOT uP to FiLl a SpoT cuZ jAnEllE wAs mIssiNG...bUt LIz wAs ReaLly CaLliN AurORa InsteAd"

"Remember When MaAnne And KIt Was Doing SomEthiNg Funny with their Kase And Majong in ConCeRt!"

"RemEmbER whEn LIz Was MAkIng KatiE Do THe UrkEL DanCE ANd JACKie WId Her BoDY RoLL aNd Her BuTTERflY!!..but then they didnt want to do it in front of adeste,aurora,and glenn!..so they had to turn around facing the wall!"

"ReMembEr whEN MaAnnE RoLlerBlaDeD hOme To AdEsTe's hoUse And AlmOsT ATe It!! DaMn WhEeLs!..HEY I DIDNT FALL! ShoO "

"ReMembEr whEn Liz was DroPpIn Kit to Her BoyFrenD's house..And we saw him skateboarding..awwwwwooo boOyaNk..hahahhaah ..he straight ate it!! sorry john..hahaha that was funneeeeee!"

"ReMembEr At The ChamPionship game janelle hit Kit's face and it was TelEviSed toO...EvERYBoDY in sChool was takin bout it! but Hey We was On tV eVery 10 minUtes"

remember when liz had to be taxi driver for everyone....7 people all packed in da car like chuntees...and da car would sound like a race car but not go aneewhere?

remember when liz kept complaining at the gift exchange because aira wasnt there...so she took evreeones gift instead?

remember when adeste was video taping and jackie took her time to open her gift because she wanted to stay in da camara longer

Remember when Janelle and Maanne was fighting..MaAnne was trying to hit janelle with the flag..but then janelle rolled like crazy!! dang oompalumpia!! roll! damn it roll!..

remember when liz kept singing that elmo song and makin dem funkee dances ...la la la la ELMO SONG!

Remember when We had a suprise party for Liz..and janelle kept her stallin..but den when she came to maanne's house her mom closed the garage door..and liz was like "auntie i want to come in"..she doesnt know dat tha surprise was for her!! gotta love janelle's song and especially kits song!..that WAs phAnnny!!!

Remember when Aira keeps doing her famous fingers!!!!

remember when janelle keeps on talking like she was high or sumthing..and katie didnt get to tell her stories..and gilie & maanne tried to shut her up by wrappin the blanket over her face!

remember when adeste keep doing his tap dances during practice!..

Remember when we where practicin in the morning and everyone was unfocused because everyone had problems!b>

remember when Janelle would talk about her experience when she went to a strip club!

Remember when Kit and MaAnne Where doing their Kase&Majong in concert..with their little dance and Their OooOH yeAAs!

Remember Adeste was taping the routine everyone stopped bouncing to fix our kneepads

Remember when MaAnne burnt the chicken!

Remember when Adeste started walking towards the sliding door..and he thought that it was open..but then ..boooommm...tahdahw!..are you okay!!! =)

Remember when the announcer called us for the certificate to go to nationals..and we thought we didnt win..but then again..we did!! =)

Remember when the managers immitates our singles ending..."you gotta point your toes!" "Fix your angles!"...pucker dem lips boys!!!

Remember when liz blanked out..and just did some unexpected routine..on her solo..but still won 1st place..

Remember when some of us turned the wrong way on da march off..at west covina..everybody was all laughing..!

Remember at Clermont..it started raining hard..all the peeps outside da van dove for cover!...adeste coudnt go through..so noel and kit has to sit in da back and hold da back door..

Remember when Michael S. Slipped out of no where...while we wuhz streching..and came back to pick up ..the "Drugs" as liz would say it was...

Remember when Katie would always say something negative before the awards

Remember when girlie didn't have a manager..so she asked rhona to be her womanager..

Remember at sharp camp, when kit and maanne acted like a tourist..."I'm an american now!...Wow OooMPahLoompas!..Yah OKay.."

Remember at camp when aira was doing her own dance when all the other was in sync!

Remember at sharp camp when jackie was transformed into the green gummy bear...and tried to act like she's melting..

Remember at every comp we always do the nsync bodyroll....jc rules!! justin drools!

Remember when Janelle stepped on maanne's shoe..but maanne didnt intend to fix it so she performed with a loose shoe.

Remember when everyone always came to watch us practice and just see us how we are doing...WE LOVE YOU ALL!

Remember when adeste was tap dancing and doing his famous broadway scissors dance..

Remember what happend at burbank?

Remember when Liza was Raging her fire to the haters, because she didn't like the way other people treat flaggies...WE LOVE YOU NANA!

Remember when janelle and katie was always fighting but ended up being friends again.

Remember when flaggies was watching justin's famous bodyroll over and over and over..well you get the point.

Remember when kit and maanne danced for the alumni's because liz and aira was shorthanded...Love Ya ALuMni's

Remember when maanne janelle and kit was laughing for no reason..

Remember when Liz's sister treat all of us for dinner.

Remember when the guys was always screaming their lungs out..

Remember when our managers used to hold our belongings while we get ready for comps..

-remember when liza lost her temper at nationals, trying to protect us from the act of ignorance.

-remember when all of the alumni's and the suporters gave us a balloon and chocolate cake on our face!

-remember when we went to disneyland!

-remember the dance that we made for field show.

-remember OUR FIRST PERFORMANCE...w/ BB shirt and a black sweat pants..

-remember when we barely finish the singles routine before comp and we still won first place.

-remember when Liza was recording nationals, it juas likah blare witch project meng.

-remember our outtings!!