Here's the deal: answer all these questions to the best of your knowledge and e-mail the answers to me by clicklingon the click sign to the right of this paragraph. Then, if you anwered all the questions right, you may have just won yourself a FREE The Faculty scrapbook, made by me. If you look on the soon-to-come mechandise page, it is worth $9.00, and also, I have a banner you can put on your site or print out that says "I know my Faculty trivia." But I'm only giving that awesome prize aways to the first person who responds FIRST with all the correct answers.So, hurry up and get those answers in!! Deadline is March 5th!!
1.) Where was Mary Beth from?

2.) How many teachers hands were hurt during the course of the movie?

3.) What book was Stokely currently reading?

4.) What chapter were they
really on in Mr. Tate's history class?

5.) What team is practicing when Stan tells Coach he wants to quit the football team?

6.) Zeke sells two kids movies. In those movies are two girl. What TV show do those
girls star in together?

7.) Where is Mr. Tate's wife according to Delilah?

8.) According to Nurse Harper; what aren't there enough of?

9.) Where does Casey's mom think he's hiding drugs?

10.) What's the name of Zeke's pet mouse?

11.) What's the secret to Zeke's drug pens?

12.) What is the name of the magazine Casey's dad finds?

13.) Of the main student characters, name in order who was infected first to last.

14.) Which kid wasn't infected?

15.) How many times does Drake get

16.) Where does Zeke think his parents are?

17.) what is Nurse Harper sick from?

18.) What is Curuso's greatest fear?

19.) As soon as Gabe enters the locker room, what does he take from another guy?

20.) what does the drama club have their heart set on?

21.) What does Drake use to defend herself against Coach Willis in the beginning?

22.) What brand name lipstick is Delilah wearing?

23.) Name one name for each of the six maine characters; Stokely, Zeke, Mary Beth, Casey, Delilah, and Stan, that they were called other than their first name.

24.) What grade did Stan get on a biology test shortly after a winning game?

25.) Name three things that Zeke used in the movie to hurt people.

26.) While the group was in Zeke's lab, at that time how many people were infected?

27.) What doesn't Zeke get high off of?

28.) When does Stokely get infected?

29.) How many times is Stan called "buddy"?

30.) What is the alien crushed in at the end of the movie?