Last Updated on June 4th, 1999:
I have updated the cast section!! CHECK IT OUT!!! The newest feature to the site is the Faculty Fan of the Month. Want to become the Faculty Fan of the Month? Request this by e-mailing me here-
My new website is cool but unfortunatly hasn't been updated in a while due to the complications with my account, but check out what I have done HERE
Congratualations to Patricia Lee for only missing one on the Faculty trivia!!
Patricia is about to recieve over 50 pictures from The Faculty and have them sent straight to her house so she can enjoy them and heng them on her walls and stuff to strut her stuff. She has every reason to be because she only missed one on The Faculty trivia which was a lot better than anyone else with exceptions of a few people. Patricia- if you're reading, please E-mail me again because I accidential deleted your first letter. CONGRATS!!
for pictures from The Faculty.
for collages created by Bridget.
for SCREAMERS. They're scared... are you?
for trivia and a contest from The Faculty.
for information and stories on your teachers.
for links to other sites about The Faculty.
for polls about The Faculty.
for info about the actors in The Faculty.
E-mail Bridget
*Hey guys- I really wanna know what you think. Please E-mail me by clicking on the little alien and tell me what I should improve on, should I update faster, things you'd like to see on the web-site, or just what you liked. I'd love to hear from you. :) Aren't you so glad that I have upated?*
scince February 19th, 1999.
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GOAL: 3,000 VISITORS BY July 30th, 1999
Congrats guys!! You made my B-day wish come true!! AS you know- my goal was to get 800 visitors by April 30th which was my birthday. YOU DID IT!! I had a great birthday and the new goal is set, so let's go for two in a row.