The Journal of Shakespearechick |
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Welcome to my journal! This will serve many functions: an actual journal for my thoughts as well as where I will list UPDATES and a progress journal for my FanFic stories! |
Back to Index, please |
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~ March 4th, 2002 ~ FINALLY! Okay, I haven't figured out how to put up my own chapters directly here - but chapter one is officially posted at FictionAlley (Schnoogle) so that will work for now!! Go to my page on The Princes of Fire & Ice to read CHAPTER ONE!!! (Sorry, I just get a kick out of seeing my name up at Schnoogle - the site I wirship! Plus, in just four days I have almost 400 hits and good reviews! Go me!! Now, as for freaking out over expectations...) Well, in the next few days chapter 2 should appear and my Beta readers are starting to e-mail me corrections for chapter 3... so... that should get up... maybe next week? I have two finals on Thursday, and my birthday is Sunday!! I'll be the big 2-0. Starting the 18th is my Spring Break, so maybe I'll get some more updates done then. Who knows! |
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~ March 5th, 2002 ~ I rule! Hee hee. Anyway, hey guys - CHAPTER 2 is up at Schnoogle. Go, read, review & rate! |
~ March 31st, 2002 ~ Happy Easter! The time crunch is on for me: a test tomorrow, two on Monday and a paper due April 9th. However, this past week I did manage to get CHAPTER 3 up and posted on Schnoogle. I am awaiting Beta corrections on chapter 4... and when I get them I will post it - probably after April 9th!!! That is my last paper so... aside from a concert review, an extra-credit webpage on Craig Armstrong and those last few tests of the semester, I'm FREEEE! At least free enough to have more time to write and work on my story! Would you kill me if I said I was actually in the middle of writing chapter 6 right now? Hee hee. Well, be thankful, because that allows me to have chapters ready to post even when I have lots more to do and little time to write. Of course, chapter 4 & 5 are still in need of revision; but writer's block can't take those parts away! Okay, well, that is my update for now because I have to go off and study! OH!!! On the fic page, check out the link to me Reviews for other fics - I revamped it so it is easier to find all the good stories. I listed, linked, summarized and organized! Enjoy the addiction! |
~ May 1st, 2002 ~ Hey everyone! CHAPTER 4 has been up for a week or so now at Schnoogle... but today I finally figured out how to directly upload my chapters to this site! So now they'll be up here before they get uploaded at Schnoogle (you know, they have a huge influx over there so sometimes it takes a few dyas...) I also plan to create a site exclusively dealing with Draco that will feature my fics, so I will be working on that as the summer progresses. However, this means I haven't linked the chapter together (meaning there is no link from chapter to go directly to chapter 2). Sorry! I'll do that on the next site, but I don't have the time/motivation to just do it here. Just click "Back" and choose the next chapter. Or, you can always read it at Schnoogle! Live long and prosper people, I'm off to study for exams!! |