The Other Sister PG-13 ***
Diane Keaton, Juliette Lewis, Tom Skerritt, Giovanni Ribisi, Poppy Montgomerry

The Other Sister opens Friday nation wide but thier was a sneek preview this past Saturday. The following is my own personal oppinion of the movie. If you disagree that's ok it's a free country.

All of us have our own obsticles in life and 24y/o Carla Tate(Juliette Lewis) has a big one. She is midly retarded. That is not her biggest obstacle however standing in her way also is her mother Elizabeth Tate(Diane Keaton). In an effort to protect her youngest daughter Elizabeth tends to be overprotective and tries to stifle Carla's attempts to live as close to a normal life as possible. Eventually Her father and sisters convince thier mother that Carla deserves more freedom. She is allowed to enroll in a trade school ,so she can get her high school diploma, where she meets her first love Danny(Giovaini Ribisi). She later is alowed to move into her own apartment. Together with Danny Carla is able to stretch her limits and prove that sometimes an ordinary life can be an extrordinary achievment.

The Other Sister is probably the best film to be released so far in 1999. Excelent performances by the entire cast make this a film worth seeing at least twice. Look for Julliette Lewis and possibly Diane Keaton to get Oscar nominations next year for this film. To mant times a film with this many charecters so closley related to each other can become bogged down by overdeveloping those relationships and detract from the main story line(a prime exmple being last summers Can't Hardly Wait). Carla has two other sisters in this film and thier mother is less then happy with the way thier lives have turned out. Thier is also tension bettween Carla's mother and father over the amount of freedom she should be allowed. Instead of focusing on these conflicts however the story keeps it focus on Carla where it should be. This was overall a very good movie certainly worthy of a three star rating.