The Spanish Prisoner****

The Spanish Prisoner has to be one of the top 5 films of 1998. Cambell Scott plays Joe Ross, inventor of "The Process", who has been flown in for a secret meeting of the big stockholders in his company. His boss Mr. Klein(Ben Garza) is making vague promises of cutting Joe in on profits, but Joe is begining to doubt when he meets Jimmy Dell(Steve Martin) a mysterious jet-setting buisness man. Joe and Jimmy make plans to meet in New York. Back in New York, Joe confides his problems in Jimmy who promises to help him get what's his. This is where Joe's trouble's start. Joe finds him self caught up in an elaborate con game during which "the process" is stolen by men posing as FBI agents. Joe is then suspected by the real cop's of stealing "the process" and then for murdering a colleague. I love suspense and this film had plenty of it. After so many comedies it was good to see Steve Martin in a dramatic role he's very good at it. He should do more he might win an Oscar. This was really one of the best movies of 1998, and I encourage all of you reading this to watch it. I promise you'll like it.