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Simply Irresitable PG13 *** Starring: Sara Michelle Gellar, Sean Patrick Flanery This is another really good film. It has however flopped at the box office. Romantic comedies just aren't selling at the box office these days. Sara Michelle Gellar plays Amanda Shelton the owner/chef of a formerly succesful restauruant she has inherited from her mother. She is a charming and attractive woman(of course she is it's Sara Michelle Gellar) who isin't afraid of showing her emotions, her cooking however leaves much to be desired(explains why the restauraunt is formerly and not currently succsesful). When she first meets Tom Bartlett(Sean Patrick Flannery, and looks and sounds a little like David Cassidy) she immediatly is attracted to him and makes up a story about prepring a dish called Crab Neopolitan for her restauraunt. When he unexpectdly shows up with his girlfriend for lunch Amanda is forced to prepare the meal. Somehow though her emotions start becoming ingridients in her food. Tom's girlfiend has a bad reaction to the food and emotionaly self destructs breaking dishes and walking out on Tom. Tom however is almost to overwhelmed by how good his meal is to notice his girlfriends outburst. With her gone he becomes attracted to Amanda and the romance quickly heats up until the strnge things happening to him start to scare him off, he even suspects Amanda of witchcraft. Despite complications love does win out in the end(Of course did you expect unhappily everafter?). This movie impressed me. I had to watch it twice to completly undertand it, but after the second time I start to understand the things happening bettween Amanda and Tom, and why Tom's relationships never went very far past the third date before. The things going on were merly physical manfestations of the attraction bettween Amanda and Tom. Tom's fear of falling in lovehas made his previous relationships disasters and almost ruins things bettween him and Amanda. This was an interesting movie worth seeing several times. It's very odd for me to go to a movie more then one, but I saw Simply Irresistable twice and would have seen it a third time if my local theater hadn't pulled it. Despite it's box office bomb I found Simply Irresistable to be simply irresitable. Visit the official movie site here |