Welcome toMicheal Bomberger's Homepage
My own little place on the internet
I will be revewing movies in curent release and on video very soon
I'll also tell you a little bit about myself and have pictures of me and my friends posted here.


Click here for the first "Rants Raves and oppinons"

2/1/00 I've finally added a pic of myself. It was taken by myself this weekend in the snow.       

Rants Raves and Oppinions has changed titles, it will now be called "In my not do humble oppinion"

The latest edition is up it's my Not So Humble Oppinon of the John Rocker Suspension read it hear

My current movie recomendations with star ratings:
In theaters now
Click an underlined title for reveiw

Reveiews coming later tonight
Down to You**1/2
Toy Story 2 ****
Stuart Little***
Anna and the King****
Galaxy Quest***

Forces of Nature***

Simply Irresistable***

The Other Sister***

Message in a Bottle***
She's All That**1/2

On video:

The Spanish Prisoner****

Music From Another Room***
Marvin's Room***
The Spitfire Grill***
Dancer, Texas pop.81**

Best quote of all time:

Of all sad words of tongue or pen the saddest are these: It might have been.

Qoute of the Day (11/20/99)

    The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convienience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controvery.
                                           -Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.                                           

My recomended links

Watchtower Bible and Tract Society

Major League Baseball

National Basketball Association

Deathpenguin's Lair

Greg Akin's page

                                      Gene Siskel

Read Gene Siskels memorial in the Chicago Tribune

Read Roger Ebert's tribute to Gene Siskel in the Chicago Sun Times

Want to get in touch with me?
Like my page?
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