SweetHun's Home Page

Hi my name is Coolisa Soega', and yes this is my hobby page , one word to describe it, MINE !!!! hehe j/k . In here, yall will know me more bout meeh. Basically, music and otha stuff dat i like. To all mah buddiez n all of tha peepz dat ive talked to or sum strangaz, enjoy !!! Bearic (mah cuz) n me will work on tis page 2 make it tha bomb. ok lataz n sign mah guest book, or else.....
Shout out to ma homegirls, Pornsi, Julia, Natalie, Ani, Gaby, Steph, Ana, Regina, Albie, Jennifer, Two Cindies, Jason,Mikeyz, and all of ma homeboyz
Wazzup to ma cuzzin Bearic, Ruthinem, the Rock, ChinoSpice, Hana Bonita, Rio Prat, Ma parent, ma new car, Shagtinus ma bro, granny and also God!!
All Of this dedicated to Nick Carter of Du BACKSTREET BOYS and of course their new album Millenium & frenz, family and stuff. First I'ma talk bout'

SchUrR HiGh SchOoL
Schurr High Schoo, on Wilcox avenue, Monteboo, is du school to go. It's got lottsa latino and asianz all mixed together, sorry to say, we have few whites and blacks. But still addin up. Like all ma frenz, they're all like aznz and hispanicz. Not to put down any race o whatevu Anywho Baby, gotta go check this schoo out cuzz it gots lots o smart peps, lots o azianprider, hehehehe... lots offfff aznz. I'm not obsessed about azian stuff, but I'm an ADIDAS baby.
I'm an exhausted student who now has very limited amount o' life couse of Band and AP Euro!!! Anywho yah thas ma schoo...