h10feet |
Hi and Welcome to my Home page! My previous page was kind of lame and had stuff posted about crafts my family and I are intersted in; now that we have a page dedicated to that, I thought a page with "fluff" would be good. On that note, I have posted some pics of my home, my family and my pets.
As before, this page will always be a work in process and since I am not that great at this, not always my best work so stay tuned and enjoy. |
This is a pic of my hubby, Ian. It was taken in 2003 at this cool little tea and coffee place in Santa Fe. |
Then of course we have the other guys in my life, my grandsons. They just loooved taking this! |
This is a pic of all the kids, the neices, nephews and grandsons. |
A pic of the garden at the begginging of summer, If you look just in front of the bed, you will see the resident Roadrunner. |
This was taken in our front yard November 2004, during the first snow. |
A beautiful rose from our yard. |
My Puupies. This is when we just got the female, she was about 6months here. |
I couldn't have asked for a better pose! The cats normally like to sit here because there is a small window they can peek out. When they added theirselves to this holdiay display...well it was too cute! |