Anna's Felicity Shagwell Hompage
Welcome to my Felicity Shagwell Hompage, I hope you like it, you probally will if you enjoy Felicity Shagwell =o)
My name on yahoo is Felicity_Shagwell_42 if anyone wants to know.
As most of you know, Heather Graham plays Felicity Shagwell.
And all of you that saw the movie should know her famous quote "Shagwell by name, shag VERY well by reputation".
Felicity Shagwell (Heather Graham) appears in Lenny Kravit's "American Woman" also.
I have decided to create a series of little adventures her and Austin can have. Sorry if you accpect shagging and that stuff in it, but I've decided I wouldn't feel right, writing those things.

But if you are still interested in my idea, please come back for updated episodes.
Here is my first episode:

Scene:from where Austin and Felicity where left in the 2nd movie.
*60's people dancing around and partying going on all around the room*
All of a sudden there's a rumbling and shaking in the room.
People scream.
From the middle of the room, Fat Bastard arises, from where he was when he fell from being kicked by Felicity.
Fat Bastard: I am back! *bagpipes start to play*
Austin: Good god, you ARE!
Felicity: uh oh
Fat Bastard: Now you'll pay wee man! *ground starts to shake as he walks toward Austin and Felicity*
Austin hesitates, trying to think of an escape.
Before Austin can think of anything, Dr Evil's "Weiner Ship" crashes into the room and Dr Evil jumps out.
Dr.Evil: Fat Bastard,have you gotten the "thing" we need to help me exeed to take over that world yet?
Fat Bastard: Not yet sir, I kinda' got in some trouble *points to the big dent in the ground where he fell*
Dr.Evil: rrrrrrriiiiiggggggghhhhtttt.
Fat Bastard: By the way, what DID we need to do again?
Dr.Evil: god damnit Fat Bastard! It was to steal Austin Power's mojo!
Fat Bastard: Didn't we already try that sir?
Dr.Evil Oh yeah, I knew that.. I knew that.
Felicity: Sure you did.
Dr.Evil: Oh I forgot about you, miss. Did you enjoy the feeling of being safe, cause it's about to end. *Starts the walk toward Felicity with a gun*
Dr_Evil trips on MiniMe, standing in the middle of the floor, flipping Austin off.
Dr.Evil: Mini Me! You never do that again! You understand me? Never do that again!....(few secondes later) Oh how can I stay mad at you, look at this face, *looks up toward Fat Bastard,Austin and Felicity to show them that he's talking to them, and finds Felicity and Austin asleep each in a chair*
Fat Bastard: I've got an idea sir.
Dr.Evil: What is it *motions MiniMe to the ship*
Fat Bastard: Why don't we just take wee man's glasses so he can't see and we can get away with the things we do, which brings us to lunch *pats his belly* which brings us enough strength to take over the world, and order people ransom money, to buy food.
Dr.Evil: That's the stupidest idea I've ever heard, for frickin' food, but we could take his glasses, MiniMe HAS been running into the walls tippin' over my cappichino cups when he runs into the table, gettin' frickin' hot fluffy shit on me.But we use the money to make Star Bucks bigger got it?
Fat Bastard: Not even a LITTLE food?
Dr.Evil: No, when you say a LITTLE food, you mean a whole frickin' McDonalds.
Fat Bastard: I usually perfer Burger King.
Dr.Evil: Who gives a frickin' shit, when we own the world I'll have both and I'll let you have a cheeseburger now and then.
Fat Bastard: JUST a cheeseburger?
Dr.Evil: Yep
Fat Bastard starts to cry.
Dr.Evil: Stop actin' like a frickin' baby and lets steal Austin's glasses and get the hell out of this hell hole.
Fat Bastard: I AIN'T A BABY!
Dr.Evil: rrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiggggggghhhhhhhhtt.
Dr.Evil grabs Austin's glasses and runs to the ship, Fat Bastard following him and they take offf.

Please stay tuned for more adventures and e-mail me at and tell em you read this so I'll know when to change the adventer, thanyou! =o) -Felicity_Shagwell_42