This is my brand new website. I've got a new host and a new layout. This website is still under construction.
News Archives
July 12, 2007 at 02:02 a.m.
Wow, I have not updated this website in a long time! Well, get ready for some changes, I am getting a whole new layout ready and I am working on a new professional website to promote my web design business. Also, I am going to make a website all about my favorite music, K-Pop.
Pump it Up

Dance video game that was created in South Korea. It uses 4 diagonal arrows and a center square to coreograph dance steps. For more information on Pump It Up, click one of these links:
-:[{K-Pop Ultramix}]:- Radio

-:[{K-Pop Ultramix}]:-
[CJ : An Mei-li ]

Recent Photo

This photo was taken about a month ago.

This photo was taken during the fall of 2007, while working in Florida.
High School

This is her sophmore class photo.