Ok, a friend, just told me that I have too much text on this page. Well then, I'll just have to put more on won't I? Just to piss you off!! Just kidding. Anyways, it's April 1st, you guys going to piss anyone off?
Wed, March 24, 1999I added this little html virus just click here to see it. It's not a real virus. It's just a pic. If you are paranoid, just scroll down.
Wed, March 24, 1999OK. today I added this web page. card tricks web site. I want to learn a bit and this was a cool page. Basically for my reference. I'll probably take it out later, but maybe not. Depends.
One more thing. Right now I'm working on a really cool applet that is kind of like 20 questions, but you play with the computer. And it learns!!! kinda. But anyways. I'm working on it and should have it up on my page by the end of May. It's gonna be an applet. I hope, so you should be able to play it on here on my web page. If not, well, I'll just have to figure it out and put it on, which might take longer. Not sure.
One more thing (this time for sure). If you are a friend and want me to put a link to your web page, mail me your page(r10_jedi@hotmail.com) or icq me (# 6915501), and I'll put it on. I'd really like to have my paged be linked from your page!! If you have one or if you ever GET one(ahem, KY!!!!) .
Wed, March 8, 1999 I'm still thinking about making a real homepage with Star Wars stuff, and Tigger and other thingys. I'll take any comments as to how to make my page good. But I probably won't really start working on it 'till May. Got exams comming up. Busy. You know. Well, you should anyways. So just email me at r10_jedi@hotmail.com with all your comments. Thanks. oh yeah.. I put up a link to my friend's web page. Froggy's page. It's really neat. Take care and have fun ya'll(I know someone will laugh at that!).
You are visitor #
This is text!
a link to www.geocities.com
since this page came up.
Weird eh?
a jump to target 1
a jump to target 2
stuff inside the box goes here |
Put some numbers (between 0 and 255) in those boxes and then click on the click me button and voila! Oh yeah, to really see a difference, you have to put in bigger numbers. Have fun!!!
This is cool. Did it in school with javadoc. take a look. It describes my program.
Java packages on the net from java.sun.com the jdk 1.1.7 API
a pic of who else but me.